Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
OKAY. Tentative offer but... I may or may not look for a game for Mercy in the next few months. Give me some game recs plz?

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
I won't promise anything to be clear, but I've been craving to play her again. I'm preferably looking for easy enough AC.

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
I blame Blizzconline for showing more OW2 stuff

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
I also sort of got my craving for Dva again too but I've played her recently enough.



Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
I prob won't go with dva since I had her at ITN but yes

if you might wanna go into shippy things, ad astra is lovely

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
Shippy you say

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
What's Ad Astra about? I've heard about it but idk anything besides the name

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
Listen I am ALWAYS on the table for shippy rofl

basically the premise is that you wake up on a spaceship, andyou're now a member of that crew. The ship travels through space, and encounters anomalies and other planets and stuff. sometimes weird things happen on the ship, sometimes on the planet.

Events last two months, they're extremely hands-off and "make your own fun with it", there is no AC (just a monthly check in).

Jan + Feb we had a Regency event on a planet where we were trying to get favour, now we're travelling on and there are strange readingson a planet, and characters are getting physically displaces, phasing in and out, messages misfiring, sometimes messages from a characters' past or future being sent.

it's a very chill, hands off kind of experience. More like a moderated sandbox you can roll around in

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
Check in ac

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
You know my weakness

it's so good honestly

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
/Stares at Genessia

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
That sounds interesting though

here is the february check-in + cr meme + the event overview for march & april. that's how the game works

and then you just throw up logs and network posts and play with others however you damn well please

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
Like... Look at her

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫

Fiery Grump
/glances into this plurk

ad astra is my other game but yeah i'm seconding how chill is but the one thing i would also mention is that it's player capped! the apps are always open to toss in but there's a waitlist at the moment.

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
Fiery Grump
Yes hello

Fiery Grump
you know, I got this crazy idea to toss Gohan at Dva sometime maybe. in a meme or smth

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
that's a shame. It makes sense though. If it opens I might have to try it then

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
We can try it but I can't promise when I'd be able to get to it

the apps are always open and get accepted whenever slots open up!

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
Ah okay

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
I'd still need time to look around anyway so I'm in no hurry atm

Fiery Grump
I ain't worried about speed lol

yeah!! so if you don't mind the wait and are interested, you could just toss it in line anyway

the app itself is pretty simple too so most of what you would really need would be samples.

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
I'm still look for possible ideas but I don't even know if I'll be able bring her anywhere or not atm. I'm mostly just putting feelers out until I know for sure. That's not too bad though.

oh yeah for sure, i was just clarifying!

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
Fiery Grump
if you want to start something I can try to get to it when it's possible

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫

good luck with finding something!!

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
That's good to know though. So I appreciate it

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫

Fiery Grump
I'm definitely interested in something like ad astra, myself

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
This all comes down to "what is going to happen in the next few months" and "can I manage"

Revenge Guac

Revenge Guac
come to Voidtreckers

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
I was wondering when you'd pop in

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
Give me the deets man <3

Revenge Guac
Kingdom Hearts on a train!

Revenge Guac
Train traveling through dimensions, picking up people it deems heroes and bringing them to worlds in need calling for help!

Revenge Guac
little bit slice of life, little bit action, so much found family

Revenge Guac
chill AC, chill rewards system, very welcoming player base

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
What's the AC exactly :|a

Revenge Guac
two threads with at least five comments each from your character per month

Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
Ahh okay