訪談者問維林諾雙聖樹(Two trees of Valinor)是否反映了北歐神話裡的世界樹,托爾金否認,並表示雙聖樹更像是亞歷山大大帝故事裡遠東的日月樹(The Trees of the Sun and the Moon)。
「印度的日月樹」出自古英文虛構創作 Epistola Alexandri ad Aristotelem 《亞歷山大亞里斯多德書信集》,在亞歷山大大帝寄給亞里斯多德的信中敘述,在印度他見到了兩顆能言人語的樹,雄樹是日之樹,會在日升之刻以印度語預言一個人的未來;雌樹是月之樹,會在月升之刻以希臘語預言一個人的未來。
(圖:亞歷山大及其追隨者在大祭司的領導下向日月樹禱告) Alexander and his followers praying at the Trees of the Sun and the Moon guided by a high priest (England, 1333–c. 1340): Royal MS 19 D I, f. 32r
//"Whatsumever kyng thow art, thow shalt see ther trees, oon of the sonne, another of the moone, spekyng to the in Ynde and Greeke tunge, wherof the tree of the sonne is masculyne, and the tree of the moone is femynyne. Of thiese -pinges 565 triewly, wnethir thei bien to the goode or evil, thow maist knowe."//
//"It also contains an immense plain on which is found the Arbre Sol (Tree of the Sun), which we Christians call the Arbre Sec; and I will tell you what it is like. It is a tall and thick tree, having the bark on one side green and the other white; and it produces a rough husk like that of a chestnut, but without anything in it.
The wood is yellow like box, and very strong, and there are no other trees near it nor within a hundred miles of it, except on one side, where you find trees within about ten miles' distance. And there, the people of the country tell you, was fought the battle between Alexander and King Darius.//
訪談者問維林諾雙聖樹(Two trees of Valinor)是否反映了北歐神話裡的世界樹,托爾金否認,並表示雙聖樹更像是亞歷山大大帝故事裡遠東的日月樹(The Trees of the Sun and the Moon)。
「印度的日月樹」出自古英文虛構創作 Epistola Alexandri ad Aristotelem 《亞歷山大亞里斯多德書信集》,在亞歷山大大帝寄給亞里斯多德的信中敘述,在印度他見到了兩顆能言人語的樹,雄樹是日之樹,會在日升之刻以印度語預言一個人的未來;雌樹是月之樹,會在月升之刻以希臘語預言一個人的未來。
Alexander and his followers praying at the Trees of the Sun and the Moon guided by a high priest (England, 1333–c. 1340): Royal MS 19 D I, f. 32r
還有大英圖書館那篇文章超棒!統整了很多東西。本來還有點擔心會不會是什麼來路不明穿鑿附會的資料XD 後來一抬頭發現「原來是大英圖書館啊」就安心了