Dr. BeardoPuff
[family, covid, vaccinations] Broke down stress crying off and on for about half an hour this afternoon. I tried to sign my grandma up for a vaccination. She says she doesn't feel safe getting one.
Dr. BeardoPuff
I'm so tired and upset with everything.
Dr. BeardoPuff
The funeral's in a month and a half. I'm desperately trying to get her vaccinated before it.
Dr. BeardoPuff
And I guess I'm the only member of the family who has tried to get her an appointment. :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Dr. BeardoPuff
Because my uncle and aunt are into Natural Remedies.
Dr. BeardoPuff
I'm so. Tired.
Dr. BeardoPuff
My mom saw that damned Plandemic video and even though I had a... loud and emphatic response to why that was misguided and wrong
Dr. BeardoPuff
My mom is still saying things like "don't you worry about what's in those vaccines' and I go "you eat more heavy metals in canned tuna and more formaldehyde in a pear than you'd get in half a dozen shots" but
I’m going to scream and vomit
Dr. BeardoPuff
For some reason putting it in your mouth = Different
Dr. BeardoPuff
I mean I felt sick for awhile, too.
Dr. BeardoPuff
But mostly it was just angry crying.
Dr. BeardoPuff
At this rate, I may be the only person who will have been vaccinated by the time of the funeral.
Dr. BeardoPuff
And they are having the funeral. And it's been moved to indoors and there's a big family meal after.
Dr. BeardoPuff
So. I'm just.
Dr. BeardoPuff
I give up.
cheese science
Oh my god
cheese science
I'm sorry
Dr. BeardoPuff
It's burgerpants all the way down over here.
Dr. BeardoPuff
Talked with grandma today. She's not getting it. None of her children are.
Dr. BeardoPuff
This includes my mother.
slurm lord
Dr. BeardoPuff
I can't go to hell. I'm all out of vacation days.