is there any guilt worse than having stepped on a pet's tail
she's over it. she's already back to being like "purr purr pay attention to me"
but I'm not over it
There isn't. (nottalking) They get over it so quickly!!
That just makes it worse somehow
right? I don't think I'd be so forgiving if the bottom half of my vertebrae were almost crushed
inadequate tits
animals know that it was an accident based on how we respond she knows you love her and didnt mean it
horny on main.
oh god i cry a little each time i step on bucky's foot
my cat's had a bent tail since we got her from the shelter too, so at some point early in her life she's had it broken
and I'm just like "oh no I made her relive trauma from her formative kittenhood D:" as if that's a thing animals even understand
spooky queer
nope there is not
inadequate tits : omg akai that is so sweet
Squalo, no⚔️
That is right up there with spooking your gecko and he does a scream and runs like the demons are after him.
Squalo, no⚔️
They get over it, we do not.
yeah honestly if you love her and have been taking care of her, she gets it. like my poor cat had trauma because my little brother, but of course people blamed the cat and just said she was mean and i was like, no, that's not what's going on here, but no one wanted to listen to a kid :|
but you take so much care with her and i'm sure she knows and loves you
Transient Anus
Accidentally kicking them in the face because they ran into your foot is a p bad guilt feel, though not sure if worse.
Oh, it is the worst feeling! I didn't step on Echo's toe today but I was getting ready and hadn't seen/heard her enter the room and I almost tripped on her, so my foot shoved her body a bit. And then she ran out of the room. And I apologized and tried to make amends but she hid under the bed for a bit. and I felt soooo bad. She's totally fine now but ;;;;
But yeah, the tail feels even worse. I'm so big and heavy (in general) but also compared to them!
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Absolutely none...
ɴᴇᴄʀᴏғᴀɴᴄʏ 🔮
Maya is always over it quickly but I am never over it
vex appeal
That is the worst guilt
animals understand that humans are large lumbering oafs incapable of managing our own movements