Happy Hogswatch
re-watching Jojo's and I forgot Erina was "Joseph beat the FUCK out of that racist"
es un elote
god i forgot how badass granny erina was
Happy Hogswatch
"Just don't bother the other guests while you're doing so"
ahaha, yes
Doge-lover Joja
what's criminal is that we didn't get more of badass granny Erina
Happy Hogswatch
I have to say the dub doing a woolesyism with Joseph teasing Santana is inspired
Happy Hogswatch
also I noticed they changed all the Nazi references to the Weimar Republic - which honestly, good change, good change
Happy Hogswatch
and also Joseph picking a fight because he found Caesare's pick up lines obnoxious
joseph is just, filled with fight
Happy Hogswatch
he's my favorite Jojo because he's such a clever idiot with fight
es un elote
oh my god i'm so glad the dub changed that
Happy Hogswatch
god they play up the Wedding Ring of Death
Happy Hogswatch
God damn I love Lisa Lisa?
Happy Hogswatch
(also sad the editors told Araki she had to job)