little prince
Nikki Haley criticizes Trump and says he has no future in the GOP
Nikki Haley criticizes Trump and says he has no futu...
little prince
Rats, sinking ship, etc
little prince
Sexism row
little prince
North Carolina man charged with threatening to kill President Biden
North Carolina man charged with threatening to kill ...
little prince
The story keeps getting worse for Andrew Cuomo on Covid-19
Analysis: The story keeps getting worse for Andrew C...
cw: CULT STUFF, abuse
‘I Miss My Mom’: Children Of QAnon Believers Are Des...
Sorry if this was posted before, but holy shit
little prince
That is so sad
little prince
I had to cut a QAnon type out of my life after January 6. She’s an old family friend and was basically a surrogate aunt, but I don’t even recognize her anymore. She’s in too deep.
little prince
Investigate group that mobilized Black voters
little prince
Site - in Wales
little prince
Olympic swimmer Klete Keller faces new charges over Capitol riots
Olympic swimmer Klete Keller faces new charges over ...
a good article analyzing the framers' potential intentions for impeachment:
Impeach an Ex-President? The Founders Were Clear: Th...
little prince
Senate Votes To Call Witnesses In Trump's Impeachment Trial : Trump Impeachment Trial: Live Updates -
Senate Votes To Call Witnesses, Throwing Trump Impea...
little prince
Fukushima: Powerful earthquake rocks Japan weeks from disaster anniversary
Fukushima: Powerful earthquake rocks Japan weeks fro...
Freakin Bat
Freakin Bat Broken link...
Freakin Bat
just edited and fixed the link
I wish I was surprised, but I’m hearing that the impeachment vote is over and it’s Acquittal
0% surprising
we already knew that less than 1/6 of the Republican party had any spines or good intentions for the country, and that this was almost certainly going to be an exercise in doing the right thing required by the constitution even though it would get derailed by the corruption eating the bones of the nations
little prince
Sure must be nice to never have to experience any consequences for your actions ever.
just more reminders that half our government is rotten and stagnating in every sense of the words
Military officials were unaware of potential danger ...
Military officials overseeing the authorization process to launch nuclear weapons were unaware on January 6 that then-Vice President Mike Pence's military aide carrying the "nuclear football" was potentially in danger as rioters got close during the violent Capitol insurrection, according to a defense official.
To be clear, the vice president’s nuclear football is a backup, and Trump’s football was secure at the White House, and the officer carrying Pence’s football never lost control of it, and there are a ton of safeguards built in to prevent an accidental nuclear strike. But still.
Kyrsten Sinema says she's opposed to $15 minimum wag...
Opposition to the $15 minimum wage provision from Sinema and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) — another moderate Democrat who has huge influence in a 50-50 Senate — is a major blow to President Biden's hope of passing it via budget reconciliation, which would allow the Senate to circumvent the usual 60-vote threshold.
Even with acquittal, GOP sees trial ending Trump's s...
Other Republican senators, even those who have indicated they will vote to acquit, say it would be a good thing if the impeachment trial helps distance the party from Trump, who has thoroughly dominated GOP politics over the past five years.
Trump impeachment lawyer says Democrats don't have a...
Trump impeachment attorney David Schoen says that Democrats have used "rhetoric that is just as inflammatory or more so" than Trump but "the problem is, they don’t have followers, dedicated followers when they give speeches."
Harris County judge dismisses vaccine theft charge a...
County Court-At-Law Judge Franklin Bynum criticized Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg for attempting to prosecute Dr. Hasan Gokal and said the single misdemeanor charge of theft by a public servant lacked probable cause. The charge was brought because the doctor moved to use ten doses of vaccine before they expired.
New details about Trump-McCarthy shouting match show...
In an expletive-laced phone call with House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy while the Capitol was under attack, then-President Donald Trump said the rioters cared more about the election results than McCarthy did.
YouTube Just Banned a Popular Anti-Abortion Channel ...
YouTube has banned LifeSiteNews, an anti-abortion outlet that bills itself as the “#1 pro-life news website,” for repeatedly sharing videos that spread misinformation about COVID-19 and the vaccines against it.
Three GOP senators meet with Trump's lawyers on eve ...
Trump lawyer David Schoen said that the senators - Graham (SC), Crux (TX), and Lee (UT) - were "very friendly guys" who just wanted to make sure they were "familiar with procedure" on the eve of their rebuttal to the House impeachment managers' presentation.
𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉 ᱬ
I fully expect it from that crowd, but just, taking a moment for the irony of "pro life" being antivax and essentially propandemic
New video helping investigators in search for suspec...
Federal authorities have narrowed to a handful the number of suspects in the death of US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, a US official briefed on the probe said Wednesday, raising hopes that investigators can bring charges in the case.
Tuberville says he informed Trump of Pence’s evacuat...
Thanks to Lee’s objection, Tuberville nailed down the timing of Trump’s call. And thanks to Tuberville, we now know the full sequence of events. And thanks to that sequence we know this: Donald Trump acted quickly and deliberately in an attempt to harm or kill Mike Pence.
Exclusive: Dozens of former Republican officials in ...
Dozens of former Republican officials, who view the party as unwilling to stand up to former President Donald Trump and his attempts to undermine U.S. democracy, are in talks to form a center-right breakaway party, four people involved in the discussions told Reuters.
Mike Huckabee pitches "Free Trump gift for kids" whi...
Mike Huckabee pitches "Free Trump gift for kids" which requires agreement to automatic credit card charges in exchange for pro-Trump propaganda pamphlets for kids and streaming content of the same.
People Are Calling For Tucker Carlson To Be Fired Af...
Tucker decided to falsely and baselessly claim to his audience that “the story they told us about George Floyd’s death was an utter lie.” He added, “There was no physical evidence that George Floyd was murdered by a cop.” Tucker then falsely claimed that Floyd “almost certainly died” from a Fentanyl overdose.
Jason Williams ends first week as New Orleans DA wit...
Williams vowed to make employees reapply for their jobs to ensure they agreed with new policies like diverting more cases, keeping juveniles out of adult court and ending use of Louisiana’s habitual offender statute to increase sentences. At least ten staffers have been optioned out of a re-hire through those interviews.
House COVID-19 package to include funding for vaccin...
The House is proposing that a portion of a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package includes more than $50 billion for vaccines and testing to combat the virus and to temporarily expand Medicaid coverage and payments to states.
Voting Laws Roundup 2021
In a backlash to historic voter turnout in the 2020 general election, and grounded in a rash of baseless and racist allegations of voter fraud and election irregularities, legislators have introduced well over four times the number of bills to restrict voting access as compared to roughly this time last year.
Thirty-three states have introduced, prefiled, or carried over 165 restrictive bills this year (as compared to 35 such bills in fifteen states on February 3, 2020).
Biden DOJ drops Trump-era lawsuit to block Californi...
The US Department of Justice under President Joe Biden has dropped a department lawsuit filed under former President Donald Trump that challenged California's net neutrality rules. California's law, considered more strict than federal rules adopted during the Obama administration, could set the baseline for future fed rules.
After living nearly 3 years in Kalamazoo church, Pak...
A 65-year-old woman who spent nearly three years living at a Kalamazoo church, fearing she would be deported to Pakistan, can finally leave her “sanctuary.”
Middle school student takes Black History Month educ...
A student, upset over a lack of acknowledgment of MLK Day at his school, voiced his frustration in an email to to his teachers expressing his displeasure. The email said what is taught in school is not a true picture of African American history on equal rights, entrepreneurial success, and innovative inventions.
Advocates Demand Investigation Into Alleged Beating ...
Herby Yves Pierre-Gilles, a 35-year-old from Haiti, told a volunteer with the National Immigration Detention Hotline that he'd been physically assaulted while receiving mental-health treatment at Krome a few days after Christmas. Pierre-Gilles described being stripped, choked, and punched by security officers.
Iran produces uranium metal, IAEA says, in latest br...
Iran has carried out its plan to produce uranium metal, the U.N. atomic watchdog confirmed on Wednesday, despite Western powers having warned Iran that would breach their 2015 nuclear deal as uranium metal can be used to make the core of an atom bomb.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Iran’s Supreme Leader said the U.S. must effectively remove all sanctions on his country’s economy before the Islamic Republic will agree to scale back its atomic work and help revive the beleaguered multinational nuclear deal.
YouTube continues to push dangerous videos to users ...
Though Youtube has removed large amounts of extremist content under political pressure, exposure to harmful videos is still common, and users who view extremist videos are still being recommended new clips in the same vein, according to a national study by the Anti-Defamation League.
little prince
Insensitive job posting
little prince
“Insensitive” is putting it mildly btw
"breach the 2015 deal" oh you mean the one we completely goddamn torpedoed?
little prince
CNN Exclusive: WHO Wuhan mission finds possible signs of wider original outbreak in 2019
CNN Exclusive: WHO Wuhan mission finds possible sign...
little prince
Posting requires applicants to be “non-Asian.”
little prince
White Supremacy Symbols In Oregon: Teen's Experience At An Antiques Mall -
Symbols Of White Supremacy Confront Oregon Shoppers ...
Four people in Oregon who received both doses of vac...
The takeaway from this is more or less, breakthrough cases (getting covid even after fully vaccinated) can happen, though the severity of the illness will be reduced. aka it's still important to follow the usual preventative protocols even if vaccinated
little prince
This is Trump's heaping list of legal problems post-impeachment
This is Trump's heaping list of legal problems post-...
little prince
Myanmar coup: Troops on the streets as internet cut off
Myanmar coup: Troops on the streets as internet cut ...