I saw there's a plotting/integration kind of post up so that helps me massively with getting a character established but I'm still wondering what kind I should bring at all
it's very active and very friendly. my first log got up to like 300 comments. it's even easier to get CR if you have a character who does the network (mine does not, but I manage anyway)
it's like. Syn-lite sometimes. there's typical jamjar-type events once a month (this month is a language swapping event) but also AU and world-hopping events
between events there can sometimes be a lack of things to do, but the point of the game is CR-building and character development, so finding things to do is important
inmate is more directed, you need to put in your app how you think your character would be redeemed, but warden is more stable, they can stay on through multiple inmates/deals
also inmate doesn't always mean EVIL just means they have a goal that needs worked towards. like Bucky's not evil, he just needs to learn how to be a person again
he has okay CR with her. nothing like Winter had, because she's from a lot earlier in the canon, and played as a teenager, and also has more development in-game to make her think things don't matter since death doesn't stick and there's been no real consequences for anything
if you're an inmate, your powers are mostly if not totally sealed. wardens, no caps at all except for like. teleporting off the barge or opening portals or some shit
and an inmate's journey isn't always learning to not be an asshole, too! Rocket's wasn't. the goal was never for him to stop stealing shit or being a jerk, it was to learn how to care for people in a healthy way
It's definitely a very specific set-up, but it's probably one of those things that's easier to deal with in-game depending on the characters partnered up
it's definitely not for every character. it's actually the game I'd wanted to start Bucky in, because I thought the structure would be good for his recovery, but at the time there was one already >.> so I wound up in ITN instead