It probably will be, yeah.
but it's not like the apps expire if you're on the waiting list
sugah cookies
yess good i get to harass kylo ben more with rogue
and who knows they may up the cap at some point, idk if they actually intend to stay this low forever
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it seems like raising it a few spots wouldnt go amiss but i'm not super ehhh about waiting
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continue to harass him lord knows he deserves it and more
spacey witchmas
I think the mod said she'd gradually raise it
spacey witchmas
but yes good
spacey witchmas
by the time we get in we'll have tagged everyone on the TDM
oh wait benlo is going somewhere else?
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ad astra. space jamjar. it seems pretty easy going, no ac or anything like that
oh cool
if i wasn't starting a new job...
spacey witchmas
แด…ส€แด‡แด€แดแด‡ส€ : the waitlist will probably take til May tbh
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Weโ€™ll just goof on the tdm until we get in
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Though I think if it gets too much more they ought to think about raising cap so people arenโ€™t waiting months
spacey witchmas
I think they are considering raising it slowly