[RL/School] 1 exam down, one more in 10 minutes.
FINGERS CROSSED MY MEMORY AND SPELLING DON'T LET ME DOWN because that purely is the second test
though damn my shoulder hurts, I did NOT sleep well last night x_x
(even had a nightmare where I didn't realize that I missed my exam until it was like 2pm. Screw you, brain)
first exam I'm... expecting around 82%, right now it says I failed but the teachers have to go over the short answer and the medical terms manually
I could get higher or lower, but there were a couple of answers I REALLY wasn't sure of and I got 5 of the multiple choice wrong. Got all the true/false at least
I.. should hopefully get 100 on the second exam because that's where my strengths are. IDing a tool on site and spelling the name properly should be easy.
okay, gonna go dark to take it now, the exam browser makes me go dark anyway
sight* not site fuuuuuuck I'm tired
Good luck!
literally breezed through the second exam and NGL I'd actually be shocked if I didn't get 100%, I'm that confident
the only thing I can see them docking me on is including the numbers for instruments indicated so that they'd know which one I was answering for, which would be petty as all hell if they did that
(to explain, they showed us pictures of the instruments like on the index cards we got for the course. Some of those have numbers on them to differentiate for the tools because there's more than one on the same card, so I included those numbers in the answer to show which I was answering for as they'd display the same card for the subsequent question)
... god still so nervous. gonna get food