Actually I don’t think he is nervous, it shows that he is really prepared this first part, let’s move on and listen a little bit more and see how he does
This is really difficult, if I were to be really really picky, um , I would say that he could do a better job to, just sort of putting the line together, like he did in the first part. But here he got all these, double stops and stuff. It’s much more difficult.
Yeah, so right there, I think eddy did a really fine job of holding that, really delicate line there
Before, earlier, I thought eddy did a really job as well, the double stops. That’s my favourite moment. To further enhanced it, he could have more of a join, quality, in between certain notes, you get that contrast
Left hand you could tell that his left hand started, the wrist he started to tense up a little bit. That’s when you know things are gonna go well (一串technique相關的東西然後
Yuh, very very beautiful. I really like his emotion. If I were to say one thing, to make it even better, would be kind of what’s in between the notes. The stuffs that isn’t said. Uh, it’s kinda like when you ask someone a question, you listen for their answer, but you also listen for the stuff, for the little pauses in between what they say, right?
The same goes with music. A lot of people don’t think about that part, because (they) were so focus on the notes. But to think about how people pause to think and stuff like that, that’s the magic in music
Yeah I thought so i was like, that’s a very slow tempo for the third movement and I think Brett was just feeling the pressure, he didn’t want to go too fast so he went slower and he went the safe route and then eddy was like ‘nah nah I don’t need no handicap I’m just gonna do straight for it’
I think eddy has done a pretty good job of holding his own, you know if there’s one thing is that his left hand here is working against him a little bit
There are things that he’s doing that’s really good which is leaving his violin high so that when he’s doing this mess kinds of shifts, when he’s shifting my upwards, he’s actually shifting downward in terms of gravity if you think about it
Really great job guys, to brett and eddy, congratulations on your beautiful Sibelius violin concerto performance and to both of you congratulations on 3 million subscribers. I think it’s amazing to see what you guys are doing to come from small town of brisbane together to where you are now is incredible
Bringing classical music to more people, you’ll always have, forever have all the gratitude in our hearts so thank you for that. I really enjoyed watching your performance and I hope we’ll get to hang out soon.
aka 三百萬直播發瘋噗
其實我們幾乎沒有說話只是昨天剛好說了兩句她說 不要看琴琴了 去看班尼吧 我夢裡的葦花我想不起來是怎樣 但我就是下意識覺得是她 好怪喔連地上都有 我們就這樣躺著
19:45 eddy呼吸好大聲
我直接整個融化我不行了 他們是把我們當成好朋友而不是只是訂閱者 想要跟我們分享 也想了解我們的想法。。世界最寵粉無誤 哭出來
Eddy: 「everything is possible, practice, right?」他們真的很正面 或許這就是我著迷的地方(欸不是明明你就是被美色吸引(我沒有)只要相信 你就會成功 你就能做到 一切都用希望 只要相信 要相信。
Brett說了「you did it」然後Eddy 「WE did it」
他們兩個就是要一起 就是不可以分開 什麼都要兩個一起做
打砲也要兩個一起打好喜歡兩人之間的關係 無論是友情 親情 還是愛情 都需要有這樣的羈絆他們剛開始做影片就是想要推廣古典音樂
他們做到了 他們在四十萬人面前表演西小協和柴小協
他們很自豪 他們做到了他們想做的事
我也很自豪 我喜歡的男孩做到自己想做的事 我好像望子成龍 我就阿嬤粉
有上到#10 on trending!
CONGRATS TWOSET! Sibelius was AMAZING we made it to ...
就一直誇 欺騙我欸
說有不足的地方先說了自己只是很挑剔,而且說前面差不多的他能做好 只是這次要配上更難的technique才出現可以改善的地方
Before, earlier, I thought eddy did a really job as well, the double stops. That’s my favourite moment. To further enhanced it, he could have more of a join, quality, in between certain notes, you get that contrast
本來已經好好 只是這樣可以更好... 溫柔鋭...
Left hand you could tell that his left hand started, the wrist he started to tense up a little bit. That’s when you know things are gonna go well
well done eddy
好深奧 我不懂
oh my GOODNESS that’s awesome
是eddy自信的表現 鋭看出來了
說得好像我也看出來的樣子其實並沒有PLAY THEM