pastel ranma
Thirsty Thursday. Speak to me of your thirsts
pastel ranma
Memes or Erku stuff
NekoInc, MSPM
Someday, stuff with Futaba and Pidonus that's either AU or a remix of their Prisma CR, hahaha
pastel ranma
NekoInc, MSPM Hit me up with a PSL any time!
NekoInc, MSPM
I'm trying to locate if you've got a musebox, as I came up with a potential hook (Futaba accidentally summons Pidonus via online auction... Which could go smuty, fluffy, or just plain funny with her thinking to ask Pidonus too many questions about How The Hell That Works)
pastel ranma
I can put a quick one together if you want, but if you have one that'd be great.
NekoInc, MSPM
Discretion Advised: 18+ Content I have my old Musebox, but never had put up a CMO before now, whoops. Fixed!
pastel ranma
Awesome! If you want to start something up I can hit them up in a bit or if you'd prefer I write something then add Futaba and I'll write up a starter in a while
NekoInc, MSPM
Hmm. I'll try to come up with something in time, unless you care to do a setup