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[tlv] ducks in a row
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azula needs to come out of her coma soon
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i should have full AC thanks to backtags, but i really want to do it this month, so ~stay tuned~
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june's new warden thomas is back in the danger zone now that harry is gone, because she'd already decided that "slowly work to erode the other wardens' trust in him so that if he tries to out me as a lying liar, people won't believe him" was a no-go because harry would vouch for him, and harry was well-established and trusted
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she hasn't 100% decided to do it because she thinks thomas himself is well-established and trusted, but 1) he hasn't been around for as long as harry was and isn't as entrenched, 2) she figures being the only one from his world makes his situation more precarious
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so we'll see how that goes lmao
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(she genuinely likes thomas quite a bit, but would that stop her from trying to fuck him over? no)
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tiffany is going to continue sleeping in the infirmary for the foreseeable future
oh no
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she doesn't particularly like being the infirmary "head", but she'll also bristle at anything that reads to her as "you are not cut out for handling this amount of responsibility"
for a price
Merlin: /would worry but also Gaius fully lived in his workplace so this is....normal....?
shakes players until a doctor falls out of their pockets
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will probably continue to reach out to every single new person and find out what, if any, medical skills they have, because having a robust list of people to draw on in case of emergency makes her feel better
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for a price
William told franky to bring her coffee....
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she isn't even taking one of the private rooms because they have locks on the door and she doesn't want to risk some troublemaker taking advantage of that and locking her in, she's just whole-ass sleeping in the open room
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william is a star tbh
She should talk to Sariss about Force-healing in emergencies, now her connection is back to full.
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ooh good idea, i can definitely have her bring that up at some point
IT WAS A TEST but it's the coffee that counts right
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ahaha she'd appreciate that even more tbh; she rankled hard at franky's post and hoped for an influx of people to either rip it apart and/or fuck with her
Can we offscreen that Lark comes in regularly as a wolf to be a nice stress-relieving therapy pooch for her? Pet his ears and feel the stress melt away, Tiff
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(she's now kind of getting along with her, but this does not preclude her wanting people to shit all over "WARDENS COME MEET ME IN THE PUB, INMATES MEET ME AT THE DOOR")
HAHW I SAW I love her
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Boo👻Berry absolutely
I have a feeling Franky and Tiffany causing shit in each others' direction may become a trend.
Somehow I have no difficulty imagining that becoming a trend /snrk
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cannot wait
(also tiffany please sleep in your own bed sometimes)
(does yunlan have to march you out of the infirmary to take a damn break like he did with bodhi....)
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(no + yes, respectively)
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she'll be very insistent that she takes! breaks!!! so she sleeps in here to make sure everything's okay overnight, it's fine!!!!!
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there has to always be somebody in the infirmary anyway!!!!
uh huh how about they work out a rotation!
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also her own cabin feels too quiet and closed off sometimes and she has a long history of occasionally sleeping on the common room couches, is this really so different!!
Yunlan should coordinate with Sariss. The latter will willingly hold down the fort if it means Tiffany actually sleeps in a bed.
Excellent. Yunlan'd be willing to pull the occasional all-nighter there himself, too.
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infirmary beds are beds!
I get this mental image of Sariss having to float Tiffany back to her room using the force, like trying to get a cat to a bath. :-P
Just her grabbing onto everything on the way to try to prevent this. :-P
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that is 100% how she'd react, too
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"i'm making sure to relax and do plenty of other things and look after my mental health so let me sleep where i want!!! X-("
HER bed. Beds at work don't count! When you sleep there you're always fifty percent on edge! Yunlan should know, he has his very own napping couch in the SID offices.
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RUDE but also true
Goose Botherer
Dogma is also probably around like 18/24 hours, we should do infirmary camp threads
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yes please
Misty may eventually ask to be unofficial overflow, she told Harry outright that she could unfuck a disaster and how, but like
that was with ONE person and now there's two and she does absolutely believe Tiffany could handle it, as Misty sees it the infirmary is better??? double the people???
so it doesn't feel worth outing anything but a 'hey if it hits the fan in a big way Call Me'
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misty can totally be on the overflow list
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she knows you like having three million jobs, girl, she gets you
Connor doesn’t sleep so he can do whatever is needed at night. But he’s going to be grounded for a minute And of course Reith will not question it and just bring Tiffany food.
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i love the idea of the rest of them helpfully bringing meals to whoever is on shift
I do have a couple of doctors I could theoretically app, but like.
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oh man right the other thing i was going to talk about for tiffany: imprinting on her inmate is now 100% complete, she would take a bullet for this woman
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(she probably would have before too; she did genuinely like her from the get-go)
one is one of Tesla's castmates so I'd have to figure out what to do with the Barge and is also a Holmes variant and the amount of Info Tracking I'd have to do for that is Daunting
...and the other is from A Study in Emerald and is like 85% headcanon by volume even after drawing from the original canon that was spun off of
*with the bar
I can words, I promise
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ooh which characters? just out of curiosity :-o
James Watson, and uh. also J(???) Watson
the Sanctuary one showed up for this most recent 'swap with people from your canon' event!
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sanctuary seems like such a fun show
I love it a lot! and James is very much like. the voice of reason for the rest of the Five (...most of the time), but he is also Very Literally the canonical inspiration for Sherlock Holmes, as far as Sanctuary goes
(he asked to not be named the main character)
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yeah, and that's why I haven't put him in a game
I would have to keep track of so much
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gdit i was going to launch into a babble about the different ways tiffany relates to different types of people but then my neighbor showed up unexpectedly and i completely lost my train of thought X-(
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(no i love her i'm glad she's in my covid bubble)
noooooo I crave the meta
Un(t)sundered No chance you’re the James from SWS with my Tesla right now? :-P
c_for_characters : I don't stop by SWS, so no, that's someone else. mine is truthinlogic
Ahh still, Sanctuary players all over I love them all. So good to see them.
Lawrence has medical knowledge left over from this last breach, and because of robo brain it won't fade with time, but because he's Lawrence again he doesn't know how to physically doctor. So he could be useful as like a walking text book. He also has a plasma healing torch which basically makes most open wounds go bye bye
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but the meta really just boils down to Mean People vs Nice People
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which is an oversimplification that she would never actually make ICly and she would be annoyed af at anyone who did, but in terms of how she relates to people, more often than not they do tend to slot more into one category than the other
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and that scale intersects with Wardens vs Inmates, which in her mind really has nothing to do with mean vs nice, good vs bad, redeemed vs unredeemed, etc., and is based entirely on "can leave whenever they want" vs "cannot do that"
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Mean Wardens, Nice Wardens, Mean Inmates, and Nice Inmates all get different approaches and reactions
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(my neighbor, watering the plants that she keeps on my porch during the winter: "are you busy working right now? :-)" )
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(no donna i'm being a nerd on the internet)
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again this is 100% not a distinction she ICly makes and if somebody was laying anything like this out to her in-game she would ROLL HER EYES SO HARD
Yes you are Putting In The Work
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and with many Mean Inmates it's VERY EASY for her to just
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ask for nothing, expect nothing, and then find lessons and comfort and companionship in them just vibing as themselves
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because she is overall Nice, but she also has enough Mean in her that she relates well to that
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(a less charitable reading: tiffany's life has primed her to accept scraps)
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(but unlike in the past, she really does have a good, healthy support system now, so she's not trying to live off said scraps anymore)
Lady Stardust
I love her so
Lady Stardust
also Iris is a trained surgeon
Lady Stardust
if she ever needs help
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iris please teach her more surgery
Lady Stardust
she could probably do that
everyone please meta about your characters this shit sustains me
Lady Stardust
she's not a doctor, she just knows surgery
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to raven
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i am neither a doctor nor someone who knows surgery
god, my brain just went "what if the Thirteenth Doctor tho?"
is she able to do traditional doctor-y things? possibly. but also would you really want her to?
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more Doctors in general
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no more doctors, just Doctors
At least Bodhi can do all the paperwork
(once he escapes Yunlan)
(and possibly Hux)
вσиє αвуѕѕ ∂υѕт
hange can lend a hand if needed as well
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OBHIF (One Big Happy Infirmary Family)