Luke Skywanker
Now I'm imagining the Vicomte de Valmont on the Barge and honestly I do not know how that would work at all.
Luke Skywanker
I mean he literally exists just to fuck and fuck over
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
Part of the problem is the game is about redemption arcs, and he kinda has one in the story, so
Luke Skywanker
Not sure what I can add, he's just fun.
Luke Skywanker
"It's Beyond My Control" - Dangerous Liaisons - John...

I'm simultaneously "why are you so hot" and "why are you famous"
I've taken characters from before their canon redemption happens and then played out a different arc in the game
Luke Skywanker
Oh same, like Spike
Luke Skywanker
So it's doable probably!
Luke Skywanker
He's a bit... well I'd have to flesh him out you know
Luke Skywanker
But John Malkovich on the Barge