Vincent Gogh
Watching this episode

Vincent Gogh
Forgot it was part of another episode I love with the Pool Shark

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as in the game

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basically Max cant play pool - he's horrible

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like breaking the cue stick awful

Pen Again
is that get smart

Vincent Gogh

Vincent Gogh
I went down a rabbit hole of Get Smart last night thanks to

Vincent Gogh
@weefolk on Plurk

Vincent Gogh
I have all of them on DVD its been awhile since Ive watched them

Vincent Gogh
like - gosh

Vincent Gogh
when did the DVDs come out?

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Vincent Gogh
but I watched it before when we finally got cable and TVLAND did the 48 hour marathon

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didnt watch them all but watched a lot

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and thats how I got started in 2001

Pen Again
I wonder if anyone has them streaming

Vincent Gogh
no its on Amazon, Youtube

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Im not sure that HBO owns them anymore but in 2006 they did

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and how they made the DVDs

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but you need to pay for the seasons or epsiodes online; they're not with a company

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and sadly, this show went between NBC and CBS

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so - thats a problem

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started on NBC for 3 seasons and the ratings were bad so CBS picked them up for 2 seasons

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and there's Get Smart Again - which I think was ABC

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which had Don Adams ^

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so sadly because it aired all over - I think thats why its on CBS all access

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and since Don passed in 2005 - idk what happened to the rights

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because Don did own most of the show which is unheard of now but it was the 1960s

Pen Again
also your plurk made me go look up another show I someday need to watch, and it ALSO is a pay per season with a super pricey dvd set D= whyyyy

Vincent Gogh
yes its pay per season

Vincent Gogh
which at that point may as well get the DVDs

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I had to stop myself from getting the streaming because I was like -self you have all 5 seasons upstairs; dont be lazy! >:<

Vincent Gogh
what other show do you need to watch btw?

Vincent Gogh
Latroma you use to play the Man from UNCLE

Vincent Gogh
I think you'd enjoy this show

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because Get Smart is basically, The Man from UNCLE meets 007

Vincent Gogh
Pen Again
whats the other show you need to watch?

Vincent Gogh
: it wasn't my fault!

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not entirely <3

Pen Again
it's an 80s uh...spyish type show, Scarecrow and and Mrs King. its apparently kinda where my mom chose my first name

Vincent Gogh
Oh yeah you need to watch for sure then :>

Vincent Gogh
I do wish Youtube had the spoof Get Smart commericals from 2001

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because it was April Fools weekend too

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so they'd try to sell a fake spy item and then say this doesn't exist you cant have it, April fools

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which they were selling Max's shoe phone (which is basically a smart phone inside of his shoe)

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Vincent Gogh
1965, you all ^

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the cover is the bottom of your shoe

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and Max could make calls out and recieve calls

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yes this is a wacky gadget show

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and how everyone would look at Max when Max starts making a ringing noise

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mind you its 1965 so whats a portable phone?

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Get Smart

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Sir, you're ringing...

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obviously this normal today to be ringing

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Get Smart Opening and Closing Credits and Theme Song

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Im sure you guys have somewhere seen a door parody

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a lot of different doors a character walks though

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thats from Get Smart

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finally - most of us know Don Adams from being the voice of the oringal

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Inspector Gadget Opening Credits and Theme Song

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Mr. Gadget himself

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Don did have a camo in the live action first movie that Disney made

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and was Brain at the very end with the voice

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which I think that was either the last thing Don did or near last

Vincent Gogh
Hi, I'm Blue and watched nearly everything

Vincent Gogh
actually; I have a very board spectrum of things Ive watched