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The Pit: A Spoiler Plurk, so that you don't have to watch The Pit
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The Pit is a movie about a boy named Jamie
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he's 12 years old and his teddy bear talks to him
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they know about a secret in the woods
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a pit full of trolls
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Jamie spends like half the movie being a sexually frustrated preteen and it's weird and unnecessarily long but establishes I guess what kind of person Jamie is
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i.e. a mild to moderate sociopath with no friends
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then it gradually transitions into being about Jamie trying to feed the trollogs in the pit
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but he runs out of money to buy beef with
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and fails to steal it
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and eventually doesn't know how to get more food for his pit pets
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so he starts taking all the people who have been mean to him for the past hour
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and, in increasingly convoluted ways
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getting them into the pit
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it reaches a climax with his 24 year old babysitter who he's uncomfortably in love with finding the pit and trying to convince him to tell the scientific community about it
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until she falls into the pit, in a way that's sort of ambiguously his fault
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the extremely incompetent cops fail to figure out what's happening to all these missing people
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by the way, teddy's head turns on its own in one throwaway scene and teddy's nature is otherwise never explained
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but Jamie eventually tells the pit people that he doesn't have anyone else he wants to kill so he throws them a rope and tells them to take care of themselves
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so obviously they get out and start eating people
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until the cops finally realize that pit people are on the prowl
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follow them back to the pit
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shoot all of the pit people with guns
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then bring in construction equipment to fill the pit with dirt
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the pit is defeated
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final scene, the family moved to a new town
makes sense, it's no longer a pit
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Jamie meets the girl who lives next door
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who's about his age
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she says they can play together, he finally finds a friend his own age to not be weird about
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so they play tag, and she leads him out to the woods
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to show him what she found
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it's some kind of
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Jamie warns her about its dangers but she is well aware of them
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she pushes Jamie into her Pit
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freeze frame
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oh i'm scary
I know I liked the remake
The Hole
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the girl at the end having her own pit is too good of an ending for this movie
oh i'm scary
(it sounds like it, in seriousness)
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a flawless stinger at the end of a really bad movie
pastel ranma
Honestly if the director/writer said they made the movie just for that stinger I'd believe them.
The Pit is a bad movie with a great ending
it sounds like the entire movie was built around that twist
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and as a result, the movie sucks
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but the twist is SO good
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it's also weirdly structured like you would think that in between Jamie putting people in the bpit he'd be escalating in his juvenile sex offenses or something
but no, all the people who go into the pit go in back-to-back
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yeah it's three consecutive weird movies
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the sex creep act, then the pit act, then the pit people on a rampage act
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and then the ending
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also what was teddy about
cranberry sauce
cranberry sauce
well what the fuck