https://images.plurk.com/7viG9IjRPMqO62EDAYls7e.png Norilsk is the northernmost city of over 100,000. I've studied it for years, and wrote a Nanowrimo story set there. Here is a typical winter week. Oh, also, no sun for 6 weeks in winter.
jingle j
I would be interested in reading your story. Sounds like a fertile place for tales
Looks like a very cold, dark place. What inspired you to study it?
Heaven on Earth!
Stereo Nacht
The Godmother
I'd love to visit Russia sometime, but not that far up!
mimi : It's so extreme. Life expectancy only 45 or 50, due to pollution. (It exists to serve the nickel mine.) Horrible weather. Closed city with no roads or rails in or out. BUT the people there love it. I find that fascinating.
Wow, interesting.
That looks rather chilly.
I was wondering if that was in degrees F or C but really, at that point it hardly even matters!
It is fascinating. Thank you for telling us about it.