Oh, well, that explains a lot.

This is just troll culture from Homestuck

I swear to god Andrew Hussie can see the future, but only shitty weeb future.


With web self-publishing, you gotta do what you gotta to get attention in this oversaturated market

andrew hussie can see all futures but he can only speak the language of shitty weeb culture so that is the only futures he can communicate

Lesbian Manowar
this also leads to something japanese is absurdly good at which is shortcutting/abbreviating their own language so you get the abbreviated titles as well that tend to flow easily off the longass title

Lesbian Manowar
i worked in e-book porn a couple years and yeah it's absolutely a self publishing fistfight thing

Lesbian Manowar
if your title wasn't both seductive and a giveaway as to the kink it was time to go home

Lesbian Manowar
ultimately japanese at high levels can become a set of rapid fire verbs, verbs are the only required piece of info, the rest is something you can infer from the person speaking to you/circumstances/area/etc

right, japanese is very contextual, eh?

Lesbian Manowar
japanese is easily 99% context and tone

Lesbian Manowar
if not all of it

no wonder I'm terrible at it 8D

and that's why localisation often have Stories about how fun it is!

Lesbian Manowar
i mean that's what i do

Lesbian Manowar
not professionally but it is what i do as a hobby and i have friends in the industry who run lines by me just in case

god I didn't even think about e-book porn doing the same thing but yeah isekai and chuck tingle book titles are same hat