Luke Skywanker
These daily headaches can fuck right off.

I'm just needing to vent, nothing anyone can do.
I’m sorry, headaches really suck. Do you know what kind they are?
Luke Skywanker
I know that I mostly can't get rid of them without resorting to my migraine meds, but they're not full-blown migraines
Luke Skywanker
I also get headaches if I sleep on my back but I'm not waking up on my back, so...
Ugh, I hope you figure out how to get rid of them soon or they go away on their own. It may sound weird but I find that sometimes icy hot helps with headaches. I’ll put it on for about 15-20 and then shower
Luke Skywanker
oh interesting
Luke Skywanker
it may be hormonal but I'll know in a few days I guess
Luke Skywanker
I'm just damn tired of it!