‎‎The Rich
the passport renewal process are much more comfortable now. Now that there are less people in the immigration office
siomay cowboy🤠
Jalur biasa apa pake calo (haha) tapi yaaa jalur biasa juga enak banget kok sekarang no ribet
duh gue juga taun ini musti renewal
- ̗̀ K ̖́- 🔇
pasport mati ga harus langsung perpanjang kaya sim (ktp kan sudah berlaku seumur idup.. poto ga berubah2),
paspor bisa didiemin ampe bertaun2, tapi ttp dikeep dan dibawa paspor lamanya,
tapi ga tau kl sekarang..
‎‎The Rich
Regular line. Make sure to book your appointment in the app early Sunday in the morning
‎‎The Rich
Filling out the form tooks longer then waiting for the line. If you want faster line, print your own form
‎‎The Rich
- ̗̀ K ̖́- 🔇 : I need 1.5 years passport expiration for my visa.
which reminds me I need to do the renewal
- ̗̀ K ̖́- 🔇 : untuk masuk negara lain biasanya paspor minimal 6 months from passport expiration. apalagi klo kaya dwan yang untuk visa.
‎‎The Rich
Oh. Now if you book appointment and cancel it, you can only rebook your appointment a month after. I was shocked before because my number is for new passport as the option wasn’t there. That’s why I was thinking doing the vip line if I can’t use this number. Turn out the line number is just the same after asking kanimjaksel ig.
which office did you go to?
‎‎The Rich
The one in South Jekardah of course
‎‎The Rich Pondok Pinang? atau Lebak Bulus?
‎‎The Rich
I wanted to try the Public Service Mall but their daily quota is only 10 and it was fully booked before noon even arrived
siomay cowboy🤠
Di lippo mall kemang masih ada ga? Waktu itu Natsu disana (haha)
Woooww akhirnya regular line ya
‎‎The Rich
Blacklily : is that even south Jekardah? /plak.

The one in Mampang. Lippo Mall Kemang still open, Fatima Wati is under renovation
‎‎The Rich
The one in Gancit is closed now because it’s temporary
‎‎The Rich
silviaayu : yes. Finally doesn’t need 3rd party service
‎‎The Rich plak

Fatima Mati tutup sementara, eh ternyata yang Pondok PInang pun tutup
Good for you, it’s cheaper then
‎‎The Rich
650 clam shell for electronic one. Finally I can use the automatic gate
‎‎The Rich
South Jekardah have so many option while West Jekardah is pfft only 2 option and both of them are like is in another dimension
as long as your name is not blacklisted you can use the autogate. I couldn't use the gate several times because there's some criminal on a no fly list with a similar name as mine (taser)
^apes (lmao)
Cc kayud yg masuk list buronan ugak namanya (haha)
toss ombayem
ini info menarik