just to restate here: I play London Picard (lol thank you, random name generator), Darkling Antiquarian. Autumn Court, three-time local Autumn Monarch, and member of the Scarecrow Ministry.
Anyway, like I've said, I've got Coda Sinne...fuck, lemme go grab an umlaut...Sinneslöschen, Elemental Moonborn, Winter Court, works in environmental design for video games. I could write you a Beginner's Guide to them, but someone else got there first.
And then Alec 'Bunny' Stebbins, Beast Runnerswift, Autumn but arguably not very good at it. He is intimately familiar with fear because he's a fucking rabbit and lives in utter fear constantly.
London's also a chemist, an occult nerd, and improvised weapons specialist. Owner of a big honking pair of cold iron hedge trimmers thanks to a hilarious set of GM misunderstandings.
Three incidents that sum up London: -When the Wild Hunt came, they saw the early signs and vanished without telling anybody, holing up in their lair and only begrudgingly sheltering somebody who came to the door.
Anyway, when
give me flowers
and I have played our changelings together, we've established some info on the Winter Queen and Spring King, but can probably easily like...fold London into that freehold as the established Autumn King if you wanna have a changeling cinematic universe thing going on with us.
-When tasked with assassinating another Changeling, they attacked from the shadows, unseen. Witnesses fled. Upon realizing London was missing, they panicked. London reappeared. When asked where they were, they said "I was hiding."
-They masterminded an attack on someone who was going Fae. It involved cold iron, homemade napalm, manipulating a scary-ass geist into attacking their minions, and doing this all in werewolf territory so the fire and screaming would draw in the weres. ...And the Task FOrce: Valkyrie mechs.
I was thinking of apping Lord Recluse from City of Villains first due to his crazy genre-savvy villainy, but now that I know there's a Changeling here....
Lilian, my Darkling Tunnelgrub who go tthrown in an Arcadian prison for stepping into a faery ring and then shawshank redemptioned her way out of there after 100 years
oh I didn't mention London's durance, right: trapped in an infinite library, living among the high shelves on ladders and thin ledges, to avoid the depths far below where book-eating creatures lurked. They were a librarian/book, with a copy of The Three Musketeers in the original french written into their flesh.
Kitty, Beast Hunterheart (who is actually a mix of cat and fish characteristics) who will eat everything, steal everything, mooch off everyone who lets her onto their couch, take naps when bored, poke at everything that seems interesting, play a lot, and generally let interest be her guide - in other words, she's a cat
Ooo, Changeling. I've got Kit September, Darkling Antiquarian, Autumn court (with a mantle that presents as the lingering scent of pumpkin spice). Librarian by profession. Uses "it/its" pronouns bc it's pretty sure that using "fae" pronouns is what drew its Keeper's attention in the first place.
London's NB, they got grabbed in the 1950s so they didn't really have words for it. They were 'crossdressing' to get into an all-male college with a better chemistry program, then went into the library one day and was never seen again.
(also the thing that drew Kitty's keeper to them was that her mother thought that naming her Lilofee was a Great idea because who wouldn't want to name their daughter for a princess)
Kit likes to think of itself as the reasonable one but it has a definite tendency to be like "let's see where this goes" while someone else makes poor life choices and then ending up Involved, and also a tendency to adopt people, including, notably, its own fetch (who is about eight years younger due to Arcadia/Earth time differential bullshit)
still not groking pronouns by the time they escaped, they basically... if people start using one set of gendered pronouns for them too much, they aggressively switch out the gendering on their wardrobe and stare balefully at people until they give up on trying to figure them out
Coda's also nonbinary. They sort of lost all sense of personhood when forced to be part of their Keeper's laboratory automation system, and when they got back gender just wasn't happening.
The fetch is also profoundly nb and switches names/pronouns fairly frequently so if Kit refers to a "kid sibling" that's who it's talking about. It's not really open with changelings it knows well what its "sibling" actually is, because it's aware that they're very bad at the changeling/fetch relationship as most people would view it.
Kit was an Extremely Online queer teenager before it got fairy abducted and now is an only slightly less Online queer young adult and also an eldritch creature of knowledge, it likes providing resources.
Like, back when she was taken as a teenager, if a young man was interested he would call on you at your parents house under their supervision and then if you liked him he could come back for more of the same but yougn women didn't do that which one calls on the other???
Louise always assumed she was straight because That Is The Default and then she turned out to be infertile so her perfect biography was fucked anyway and went full 'ok but who is actually nice' and now she's married to a woman and has three adopted children with her, one of whom is her changeling.
Meanwhile, Coda...seems to be showing a preference for guys, but not a very strong one. But they're nonbinary, so like...what even is 'straight' or 'gay' in that context?
As far as Kit can tell it's mostly attracted to other people who are androgynous or gnc but also it's pretty profoundly demi so the issue doesn't come up much
Iiiit's not sure where the line between "demiromantic" and "trauma-related desire to keep people a little at arm's length unless they're already sliding into the Adoption Zone" is, honestly.
Kitty is at an age where she thinks that kissing is gross and people who do it get cooties but one day she'll be bi. just right now she's of prime cootie age
I take my caffeine either for medicinal anti-migraine purposes, or in precisely regimented doses to pull a very precise all-nighter that then hurls me face-first into bed when I stop sipping coffee.
and yeah, I made London back in... 2009 or 2010, I think. There was a group that did a hybrid LARP-plus-dice-or-playing-cards game on my undergrad campus. So my character sheet is still based on that.
They also had a pile o' pledges I didn't include because 1. they've run out, probably 2. probably aren't applicable in a completely different plane of existence where the other signatories aren't present
-When the Wild Hunt came, they saw the early signs and vanished without telling anybody, holing up in their lair and only begrudgingly sheltering somebody who came to the door.
basically what you'd expect a character made by a goth-leaning college nerd to look like