[Plurk Poll] Plurk, tell me about a shitty game you have a deep affection for
Well, according to the larger Fire Emblem fandom, Awakening and Fates.
(oh the deep schadenfreudic joy I have, knowing that when I start up a new save file on one of those games and play in casual mode, one of the old guard gets deeply pissed off and doesn't know why.)
But a little less snarky... I sorta like Bloody Roar 3. Which also has a fair share of detractors, but also some defenders.
The FE fandom has quite the case of hipsteritus
BR 3 of course does... Does not have very good voice acting, let's get that out of the way right now. And TBH didn't take as many risks as it could've, it's kind of clunky with an odd set of fightin' mechanics... BUT. You get to play as werebeasties. That's kinda neat!
Also I'm gonna be honest, I don't know if there's a shitty game I like.
I tend to not play games that are crap?
Horny on Main
Fire Emblem Fates for sure
Horny on Main
and according to the Megaten gatekeepers, any time I play a localized SMT game, especially anything after Persona 2
Horny on Main
die mad, neckbeards
lmao the megaten gatekeepers that are still made about Persona 3 and beyond
As for mine, I’d say the FF13 trilogy. I have a huge love/hate relationship with it.
Maybe FF15 which isn’t objectively a bad game but it’s definitely considered not very complete and very much suffers from What Could Have Been but even then, I deeply enjoy what we got.
See, I wouldn't call either Fates or FF13 "shitty", neither of them are top tier quality, but they're far from Garbo
For sure, but ask the fandom and you won’t get that answer (LOL)
Are their better games in their series? Absolutely
The fandom can die mad
When you say "shitty game" to me, I think of SILVER SURFER
As games the gameplay does improve with each installment of FF13, it’s the story that gets shittier because we didn’t ask for time travel or a sequel Square, what’s wrong with you?
utter garbo that you dug out of the dumpster
☆ 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 ☆
the original .hack games, where the story is great but the gameplay aged like milk
If you’re gonna force these games we didn’t ask for at least give us something good
mossflowered: I think that if you fused the gameplay of 13-2 with the original 13, I think it'd be better overall
I also liked Lightning Returns as a sort of turn your brain off and play dress up thing. But I wouldn't say I have a deep affecting for it, or anything
I just hate what they did to Hope. Actually all the characters kinda do a 180 so it’s like (unsure)
Also if we're going this route, Dream Drop Distance is one of my favorite KH games, but apparently it's the """bad one""" ?
Like I said, love/hate relationship (LOL)
I have no idea why 3D is the """bad one"""
Horny on Main
I'll argue that Fates has far, FAR too many characters for its own good and the whole "baby dimension" is utterly bonkers and full-blown fridge horror if you think about it any longer than 2 minutes
Horny on Main
It's a deeply flawed game. It's still fun tho.
Horny on Main
I could say the same for Persona 5 actually. Deeply flawed if you think about it for more than 5 minutes. A smashing first act that the rest of the game did not live up to. But by GOD it's some flashy and beautiful and COOL.
Horny on Main
*so flashy
Honestly, P4 and P5 are the worst offenders of that lol P3 to a degree but I’d argue it’s not as bad as 4 & 5 when it comes to the flaws of the games when thinking about it for more than 5 minutes (LOL) And I say this loving all the games and I may be biased since I love 3 a lot but... well 1-3 don’t make me as annoyed as 4 & 5 do haha. That being said
Persona 5 is so stylish my goodness
ht is joyful 👻🌸
and no more marin karin
ht is joyful 👻🌸
For me, it's Tales of Legendia
ht is joyful 👻🌸
The gameplay makes me want to tear my hair out as it is easy to get cornered. The story isn't really all that groundbreaking or change my world views
ht is joyful 👻🌸
but that being said? Holy shit, do I love it
ht is joyful 👻🌸
mainly because it was one of the first video games I ever played and it was one of the game that really got me invested into online RPing ahaha
Horny on Main
Man sometimes I forget Persona 4 even existed lol it's not my favourite.
ht is joyful 👻🌸 : legendia is super charming and the music is great... gameplay tho yikes yeah haha
Also tbf I never had a MarinKarin issue because one, she was never in my party but two, even if she was I used the Tactics and would have set her on Full Assault (I think) and she wouldn’t use it
The AI doesn’t fuck up as much as people think it does because most people didn’t use the Tactics button
Horny on Main : it’s not mine either. I left the game feeling disappointed tbh.
ht is joyful 👻🌸
Yes, how could I forget about the music? It is amazing
ht is joyful 👻🌸
I had her in my party so I was just use to her spamming it ahaha
horse sleigh
idek how the general thoughts are about Devil Survivor but it can be a bit bad sometimes. Still. Love it.
Again, die mad, old guard.
There are people in life you don't want to piss off, people you don't care if you piss off, and people you actively enjoy pissing off. The old guard neck beards very much land in that last category.
Persona 5's pacing takes a nosedive after Futaba's palace and doesn't really recover till Sae's palace.
But it's totally worth it when it does recover.
But really. There's no such thing as a perfect game, at the end of the day.
... Lion King and Jungle Book from the SNES
one's pretty hard for kids and the other like... isn't done lol
you got three levels
for me it's Sengoku Basara X, thought I wouldn't necessarily describe it as shitty, more like... sloppy
it's not even bad on the surface, it's got neat graphics, system, music... but then if you get into more advanced gameplay, then oh boy
guess Capcom never got the note that fighting games are not meant to have infinite combos
(I can only assume that's their doing because ASW sure knows that much)
the rumor has it they only tested for specific (read: shipping-oriented) matchups and never bothered with the rest and as the result the game balance is completely out of whack
I still bought a Japanese PS2 just to play it
wait, 'shipping oriented'
I'd also like to add in... Psychic Force 2012 with a couple of MASSIVE CAVIATS. I don't feel it's a shitty game so much as a clunky game with some really neat ideas, and a couple of stumbling points.
The biggest stumbling points being the plot; you could sort of tell that the story team had decided that GRIM AND EDGY was the way to go and... Pretty much wrote themselves into a corner because of how they killed off or voided a lot of the cast in the process.
which is a shame because "what if X-men was anime and psychic powers" is a pretty neat set up.
"are you really complaining about the plot in a fightin' game?"
"yes. Rival Schools spoiled me on that."
And the basic idea of 2D hover fightin' in a 3D floating space with projectiles as a main, followed by basic melee is a neat one! I just wish the melee was a little less basic and clunky feeling.
And also that whoever wrote the plot was given a quick spritz bottle spray and told "NO! You just did a Soul Calibur 5! You NEVER do a Soul Calibur 5!"
I can believe it because Capcom knows SenBasa's popularity is 90% motivated by shippers... and supposedly they mostly tested out how characters do against each other in pairs, i.e. Masamune/Yukimura, Motochika/Motonari etc and the balance outside of that is non-existent