The Write Stuff
[Christmas] I'll have to explain... but when I opened this present from my dad? I'm not at all ashamed to admit I started crying.
The Write Stuff
So, when I was real young,I got this stuffed dog for Christmas that came with a scarf and a removable coat.
The Write Stuff
I instantly named him Chilly Willy and we were inseparable.
The Write Stuff
A couple of years later, Avon released an ornament version.
The Write Stuff
We got it, and every year I put Chilly Willy on the tree. Like... even in high school.
The Write Stuff
It was just one of those family traditions.
The Write Stuff
I lost my original Chilly Willy due to some really unfortunately circumstances, but Dad hung onto the ornament.
The Write Stuff
(On a side note, I told a friend about Chilly Willy one night years later, even though I worried he'd laugh at me. He literally helped me find another one on eBay.)
The Write Stuff
So... fast forward to Christmas.
The Write Stuff
The two wrapped gifts we got were unmarked, so Straya randomly hands me one. I open it...
The Write Stuff
And I'm just... completely speechless.
The Write Stuff
At first, I thought he'd just given the ornament that hung on the tree in his house, despite the sentimental value.
The Write Stuff
But no... I guess he too scoured eBay and somehow found THE SAME ORNAMENT STILL SEALED IN ITS ORIGINAL BOX.
The Write Stuff
This is from the 80s.
The Write Stuff
It couldn't have been easy to find.
The Write Stuff
He called before we opened the gifts he gave us and apologized that he couldn't do much...
The Write Stuff
But I'm not lying. He could have gotten me a PS5 and it would not have meant nearly as much as this ornament does.
The Write Stuff
Beyond the history... getting something like this that means so much after everything that's happened this year.
The Write Stuff
Seeing him through the door was the first time I'd seen my father in maybe a year...
The Write Stuff
And he lives five minutes from my house.
The Write Stuff
It's just... damn.
The Write Stuff
I'm always going to have that ornament out, along with the box, sitting next to the full sized Chilly Willy I bought years ago.
The Write Stuff
And then we watched Klaus right after, and the messages of that movie hit home in a big way.
The Write Stuff
So yeah... the moral of this story is that Domon is a gigantic sentimental nerd and isn't at all ashamed of it.
The Write Stuff
I'm also going to share photos from what ended up being a small feast, but... that'll be a different Plurk, because I will tag my (food) porn.
The Write Stuff And to finish this Plurk... here he is, on the tree.
ʅǝʅʅɐɹɐd ǝʅdɹnd
;.; awww..! That's so sweet!
TheApostate ™
TheApostate ™
I kind of want one now, it's so adorbs
I şĥĩp ĩţ
I şĥĩp ĩţ
That's adorable