Princess Emily
[antimatter dimensions]
Princess Emily
The Holy trinity of Hevipelle, Antimatter, Infinity Points, and Eternity Points. These 3 resources let us access Hevi’s gift, Time Theorems. And with these Time Theorems, we reach out to Hevi, and call, “Hevi, bless us on this fine day!” And Hevi does.
Princess Emily
He give us the blessing of Time Studies. These Time Studies were blessings so powerful, Hevi restricted their power. He said, “ I will give you a choice of three paths” and then humanity chose.
Princess Emily
The short, cheap route of Normal Dimensions, giving instant gratification, the powerful choice of Infinity Dimensions, which were a fast, middle ground path, or Time Dimension, the long wait, and struggle, of humanity.
Princess Emily
Then, as humanity chose, a crack broke the earth. A serpent snaked out and sneered to humanity, “I will offer the powerful choice of a ninth dimension! I am Slabdrill, lord of all Unhevi. Humanity rose and said “ Begone Slabdrill! We want none of your foul Heresy!”
Princess Emily
And Hevi rose as well, and smote Slabdrill with his godlike power. As Slabdrill’s corpse fell into the earth, he cried “ this will not be the last of me! Hevi will betr-“ and he fell in the Abyss of matter.
Princess Emily
Hevi gifted humanity with Eternity upgrades, which boosted infinity dimensions and time dimensions. And Hevi gave humanity his greatest gift . EP multipliers. He said, these will multiply all EP gained by 5, but their cost will increase 25 times. Use them wisely. And Humanity journeyed off with their new power, as Slabdrill’s words echoed in their heads.
Princess Emily
what the fuck does any of this mean
I'm playing this game and I don't know
Princess Emily
I'm playing too idek what an Infinity Dimension is let alone a TIME DIMENSION
Princess Emily
or anything else
this game apparently has MANY layers
Doge-lover Joja
you mean this isn't yet another ocverse you guys cooked up?
I think time dimensions are the prestige layer above replicanti? i'm not sure, haven't gotten there yet