You're Quinner
[I'll do it too] My pokemon knowledge is LIMITED but ask me questions anyway
Lightning Bolt
favorite starter?
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You're Quinner
I'm gonna go with Litten
ღ zipper noises
Favorite Legendary?
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the sword dog from sword
favorite underloved pokemon?
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I have absolutely no idea what pokemon are underloved. Maybe the car keys one
dracozolt ⚡
best evil team?
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sailor bii
favorite evee
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god. I've just never been that big into eevee. maybe sylveon because it has ribbons that are tentacles
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my favorite fictional eevee is the normal type evolution, eeveeon
Favorite spin-off game?
Doge-lover Joja
favorite genderless pokemon?
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I have never played a spin-off game
You're Quinner
nor could I name a genderless pokemon. Is Unnoun genderless?
pokemon you most want to hug
You're Quinner
Doge-lover Joja
unown are without gender