that ToryScum, amplified by corrupted mainstream media lapdogs such as the BBC, are taking the opportunity to falsely blame a popular mayor for their own and another institution's incompetence.
the mayor does not run the police.
the Home Office is more in charge of the police and it's the Tory party specifically which has been systematically defunding the police and the law courts to make it impossible to deal with criminal cases.
far from levelling up, the ToryScum have always been preferentially defunding regions which don't vote Tory. Eg the recent miniscule allocations of funds for CoViD-19 local lockdowns as well as their long-standing cuts to local service budgets.
in contrast the similar BBC article about police problems in Tory-controlled Hampshire restricts the blame to just the officers involved and not the Tory MPs running the county:
Hampshire 'toxic' police unit officers guilty of gro...
it's bias and it's not going to be unconscious bias which could be fixed by the training they want to stop. It's entirely deliberate bias on the part of the scum in charge (corrupt editorial management put in place by the Tories at the BBC or billionaire Tory donors in the case of independent newspapers).
one of the evil and incompetent Hampshire representatives is of course the current Attorney General - Suella Braverman - who has routinely been weighing in on the wrong side of every issue.