But I think as BJ gets more accustomed to new responsibilities and the reality of the living folk, he's going to get a Concerned Thought about how even though life is amazing, death and the afterlife still suuuuuuck.
Hux is lately been on top of HIS game (his game being his inmate and his relationship because you clearly can only have a max of two people/friends in your life before things get complicated)
and while he does occasionally branch out, he's pretty solid in the "why would anyone want to be friends with me, you people are weird." He likes a few others. Iris, Bill, Rhys, Jedao, etc.
anyway he's on his own side quest right now of discerning who has the 'best' world out of all you weirdos so he can categorize it and start setting up colonies, or places for graduated inmates to go to if their own worlds are super terrible
Gortys is getting SUDDENLY SARCASTIC I am so proud of my little roller girl because she's standing up for robot rights! Not her own but it! still! counts!
Anyway she doesn't have a ton of plans as per usual, she's mostly reactionary but she might start poking some people about why only humans get to have a purpose or a goal that they define and not one that's given to them
in between ending a war in his own galaxy but NO ONE COME he has to place 20 million stormtroopers into civil serviceGortys: why are you lying?