colorful bunch
Well, today is supposed to have Big Huge snow, but it won't start until this afternoon, and the worst will be in the evening
colorful bunch
Still, I'm decked out. It'll def be snowing by the time I'm off work, but it hopefully won't be bad
colorful bunch
Mom befucked a toe and is having a neighbor get at her sidewalk, but I still plan on going over tomorrow to help with the porch and steps
ceaseless 👁️
Be careful if you have to drive :-(
colorful bunch
And I got nothing to really do for an hour until the first patient comes in, save for if phone calls come in
colorful bunch
I got calls imma do but 8 is too early for that shit
colorful bunch
If the roads look too bad even by the time I leave I can def walk home, and I plan on walking to mom's anyway cuz she's just a couple blocks away
colorful bunch
We'll have to see to digging out the cars tomorrow once the plows come through
colorful bunch
The estimated accumulations keep being bumped up. Today I just read 10 to 20 inches
colorful bunch
Tiiime to play opera omnia and see what sephiroth stuff dropped...
ceaseless 👁️
Oh geeze, that's a lot of snow!
colorful bunch
Oh geez the snow already started and I can see it on the road already
colorful bunch
Think I'll get a sammich from next door and move my car to the garage...
colorful bunch
Eh well I guess they changed the forecast to it starting right around 11 so
colorful bunch
Car moved, technically we have reserved spots for offices and just one for us but nobody's in the office below us and who's gonna care
colorful bunch
Waiting for a sammich
colorful bunch
Kill us, an emergency called us trying to get in places and uuuugh we have time
colorful bunch
So I won't be getting out until a significant amount after 3
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It doesn't look bad out there yet but still
colorful bunch
Emergency patient came in early! \o/
colorful bunch
even the little while I was out there, it got demonstrably worse
colorful bunch
the streets are very empty and the people who were out there were def being careful. I did a bit of sliding myself, so it was. hm. a slight bit harrowing. but I'm home, I'm as up to the curb as is going to happen atm, wipers up, hunkered down