This is what my college COVID gradebook looks like: https://images.plurk.com/3QKRkqX1XtD1Crmk8sxaob.png
So many students just not even trying to turn in the work. I've never seen it this bad before.
Things are grim in our school as well, and we're an online school normally. It's the mindset and mentality of the times.
I've had a lot of students miss work because they got COVID, and a few who have had severe mental health issues - I have one in the hospital right now. I'm taking late work without penalty in all my classes, but students have just checked out.
For us, especially with sped kids or those with rough home lives/lots of siblings, it has just been an uphill struggle. We have several kids who are not even 80% pacing and they're supposed to be taking exams this week. I have seen some in the 30%s... I hate that we have to hold them accountable for it. Especially without supportive parents.
We email them. We meet on zoom with them. I have personally scheduled, hour by hour, for students their assignments and classes. But outside those zooms, they just don't.
that must be so hard for you educators. You are doing the very best you can, but your influence is so much lessened. I hope there is a way to get most students back on track once things are safe enough.
I checked with my sister to see how her college students are doing, she said her grades improved and those with As increased to 58%. She said she has been doing virtual classes for years, and she thinks maybe that's the difference, its not new for her or her students, (plus they can't goof off like they were pre-pandemic)
DevinVaughn : My university students did great. This is my community college class. I blame inequality. These are kids with few resources. They’re hit hard.