[hamillhimself] So sad to hear David Prowse has passed. He was a kind man & much more than Darth Vader. Actor-Husband-Father-Member of the Order of the British Empire-3 time British Weightlifting Champion & Safety Icon the Green Cross Code Man. He loved his fans as much as they loved him. RIP
訃聞 皮套演員
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【影劇好有梗 FILMemes】🔥🔥突發消息🔥🔥
在《星際大戰》正傳三部曲飾演「黑武士」的演員 David Prowse 證實去世,享壽85歲。
願原力與你同在 🙁 R.I.P
【Geek-Base】在《星際大戰》(Star Wars)正傳三部曲當中飾演達斯維德的大衛普羅斯(David Prowse)甫病逝,享壽 85 歲。
[hamillhimself] So sad to hear David Prowse has passed. He was a kind man & much more than Darth Vader. Actor-Husband-Father-Member of the Order of the British Empire-3 time British Weightlifting Champion & Safety Icon the Green Cross Code Man. He loved his fans as much as they loved him. RIP