[covid] [just venting]
I watch my local newspaper's twitter. They just reported that a nearby county had 393 new cases today.
393. New cases.
Jesus fuck.
I'm actually scared. I'm really scared. I'm trying not to cry.
And I know nothing will change. Our so-called badass governor, the one who went "You know whats more uncomfortable than wearing a mask? Dying." won't shut down what needs to be shut down. we didn't get fucking nearly 400 cases because of bars open past 10pm.
I'm so sorry... I'm not going to act like it's not scary because it is. Just keep doing everything to stay safe and healthy. It's easy to feel helpless but to a degree there are ways we can protect ourselves.
I work in retail, and. The number of people who WILL NOT PUT THE MASK OVER THEIR FUCKING NOSE. And we're not allowed to tell them to.

God, just a week or two ago, I was stocking jams, and this one lady PULLED HER MASK DOWN TO HER CHIN as she was looking the food over. She wasn't even talking to anyone or on the phone, there was no reason to it.
I'm doing everything I'm supposed to. So is my family. And it feels like it doesn't matter. Nothing matters. My dad's a teacher. He's doing virtual now but in a week or two he will go back to physical. He's a high school teacher. He's in good health but god fucking dammit I don't want anything to happen to him.
I used to be afraid of losing him to school shootings. And now this. just. jesus. dammit.
Idol Minako
oh god the number I see where I work who don't put it over thier nose...I swear the numbers have only gone up
Idol Minako
All we can do is just do what we can to keep ourselves safe
Some of the things that aren't being shut down... It's crazy, I agree, and people refusing to wear masks properly or at all just blows my mind. I really hope you and your family can stay healthy.
No one here wears masks.... I hate it, I am so scared all the time.
Okay. Okay. I think I'm okay now. Thanks, guys.
One of my best friends works in retail and she tells people that their mask "has slipped"
It actually works pretty well for her
Because then it's phrased like the person is wearing their mask like that by accident
We're not allowed to confront customers about anything, ever. Doesn't matter if they're straight up stealing or making a mess or wearing anything offensive.
cause ~the customer is always right~
That's a mentality that really needs to go away and never come back. Like...sure, try to accommodate the customer and help them to the best of one's ability, but sometimes they really are wrong.
Spooky Mallow
that makes me so angry D:
I thankfully had great bosses for the most part. My boss at the theater told us that if anyone harassed us we could call him and he'd have them kicked out. And at Disney the bosses got it if I just needed some time in back to rebuild my ability to smile rather than scream at idiot bigoted parents
I never accepted a "the customer is always right" mentality, and I worked customer facing jobs most of my life. I would always be polite, of course, but if I were working in a situation like this, I honestly would tell the customers - politely - that I am refusing them service until they wear their masks properly. And if my bosses fired me...
They're opening themselves up to lawsuits and I would explain on my unemployment application EXCTLY what happened... >.< But that's me
Idol Minako
I think it's the same where I work to. We're not allowed to say anything, but for stealing...thats probably because you don't know if they have potnetally a weapon on them or something. I know my mate once had to deal with someone who had some form of cutter on them for example.
Idol Minako
well not so much deal but they saw them with it
Yeah, stealing is a quietly go tell security thing for sure.