so it's 5 am and i'm sure absolutely nobody will see this but apparently mads mikkelson is taking over the grindelwald role in fantastic beasts 3

and i could give two shits about fantastic beasts tbh but i mean

this just sounds so much better

go rimbaud
that's a strict upgrade

kiwi burgers
that is so much of an upgrade

lmao honestly

kiwi burgers
like they could have stuck with colin firth but since they went with that shit this is waaaay better than we could have guessed

kiwi burgers
wait not him what's his name

go rimbaud
the other colin

go rimbaud
the irish one

go rimbaud

kiwi burgers
that one!

go rimbaud
more than one actor named colin f from the same part of the world is too many

kiwi burgers
yep also i now buy jude law's character having a crush on him

go rimbaud
god, huge

waiting for the "tell me, dumbledore..." memes

go rimbaud
how can they fuck up mads with makeup and not just make him more attractive, it sounds unpossible

go rimbaud
"who's the new grindelwald" someone out there has surely asked, and the answer is:
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man what an upgrade