innovator 🤖
okay i wanna know what are good dwrp communities to test a character out
innovator 🤖
because im eyeing the gbf staple chunni
December 10th
there's the meme comms, bakerstreet and fortanon
December 10th
but it's hit or miss if you get tags there
innovator 🤖
oof.... that sucks to hear
December 10th
yeah, but it can't hurt to try. You can always tag out to folks after all.
innovator 🤖
hmmm i gotta keep it in mind. for now my hunt is looking for icons and all that
December 10th
godspeed man
I şĥĩp ĩţ
Ab lol
I şĥĩp ĩţ
No AC, you know the rest XD