[What is sleep?] It's 1:40 in the AM and I can't get to sleep. Anyone still up who wants to shoot the breeze?
None Shall Pass
Sure, though I'm not sure which Sam you'll be getting, I'm always around about this time
I have always seen the same Sam: the iconoclast who isn't afraid to speak their mind. I don't always agree with them, but that's just fine. :-)
None Shall Pass
I thank you for that
Life doesn't completely suck, but isolation certainly does. Like many of us, I haven't seen anyone other than complete strangers at the supermarket for a long time.
One can only occupy one's time with so many online RPG sessions, although goodness knows I seem to be pushing the boundary of "so many" of late. There's a short story from one of my fave old authors called "Who Am I This Time?" that seems to apply here. :-)
But that's all First World Problems.
None Shall Pass
I think I know that story, lemme check real quick before I start fawning
None Shall Pass
It wasn't the story I thought it was, but Vonnegut's been my favorite author for just how insanely well he relates the problems and absurdities of life while taking it all with good humor and cheer even when his works have a cynical edge
So it goes. :-)
None Shall Pass
So it goes :-D
Last month they had us come into the office and bring our work station computers home (not enough $$ for laptops for everyone). Seems to me that they think we're going to be in this for a long haul.
yeah the isolation is fairly galling
...we're supposed to have weekly check-ins at work but my boss isn't really the checking-in type so we just... don't
Yes, I realize that I'm very fortunate to be in the position I'm in. But even so...
None Shall Pass
We probably will. We've got some catching up to do and a trespasser to eject, while the vaccine tests are going incredibly well, we still have a ways to go
I am perfectly happy to wait it out a bit longer to make sure they get it right.
and yeah I... even with good management and adult behavior among the general populace, I'd be surprised if we could approach anything resembling normalcy before summer
None Shall Pass
Not much longer. But longer. I've been in the waiting place a lot
...and it remains to be seen how much of either we actually have, but it's pretty much certain to be less bad at least...
Although to be blunt... even when things get better (I won't say normal), I would be quite happy to keep working from home. I don't miss the hour commute at all.
yeah, legit
Hell, I'm even learning to cook.
Not baking sourdough or anything like that, but it's still actual simple cooking rather than nuking pre-packaged shit in the microwave.
The biggest downside so far? My GF is not working from home, so masks or no masks I worry about her going in each day.
The only time I've seen her in the last six months was the day I went in the office to pick up my computer. :-(
Ah well...
None Shall Pass
I'm sure you'll be able to see each other soon
Here's hoping. I mean, we text and we talk, and I can still make her laugh practically on cue, so there's that. :-)
oof... I'm glad you guys are getting along and there for each other at least via technology if not in person
(How, you ask? Kermit the Frog does the speech from "Taken.") (rofl)
(: And with that I will say good night. Thanks for bending an ear.
Be well and stay safe.
None Shall Pass
I will be able to do a third of that, but I endeavor to do it well