Zilla Fieri
[Final Fantasy 9] Condensed Freya related rage in here, after playing yesterday and things happened
Zilla Fieri
Dagger: /talks about the death and destruction she endured thanks to Kuja, including the destruction of her home, her people and even the crown
Freya: How terrible.
Zilla Fieri
Zilla Fieri
How. Terrible.
i mean
consider what happened to freya
Zilla Fieri
This is what the writing afforded her
Zilla Fieri
After all she went through and what they were set up
Zilla Fieri
This is the most acknowledgement her storyline gets
Zilla Fieri
HoW tErRiBlE
Zilla Fieri
I fucking cracked when I read this
Zilla Fieri
Hi I'm slowly playing through this game for the first time and I have issues with how this game treats Freya Crescent
Zilla Fieri
Best girl got done dirty
In A Nutshell
(it's a helmet)
IN FAIRNESS I don't think Garnet is wrong but like

the writing

the writing is wrong
Zilla Fieri
Garnet is not wrong
Zilla Fieri
Not even close to wrong
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everyone gets fucked over by kuja
Zilla Fieri
In fact, I really like Garnet
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(up to and including kuja)
Zilla Fieri
But Freya got cheated
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freya got cheated out of a resolution AND a boyfriend
Zilla Fieri
Mention Fratley for three minutes, drop the amnesia bomb, never mention him again
Zilla Fieri
mention Burmecia, drop the actual bomb, never mention it again
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odin did everything wrong but also I know summons only do what they told
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do you know the worst part of freya getting shoved into the margins
Zilla Fieri
This is why I imagine there's just so much goddamn catharsis in Dagger being able to call in Odin or Atomos or Bahamut to destroy her enemies
Zilla Fieri
(Except I only use Bahamut after getting a full stack of Garnets, Odin and Atomos aren't really worth it)
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the game gets to shift gears and focus on eyepatch and her leather pants and her manpain
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I love Beatrix aesthetically but she is 99.9% of what cheats Freya out of any sort of meaningful resolution
Zilla Fieri
I went around following my queen's orders, including mass murder and the actual destruction of entire kingdoms...
Zilla Fieri
...but she never said thank you to me
Zilla Fieri
/smallest violin begins to play
(it's a helmet)
the fact that you've got to listen to beatrix kvetch about this shit and zidane's companions through that part are freya and vivi

the former of which just saw her people get genocided
the latter of which has solid proof that his people are unthinking automatons made as weapons of war
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and they say nothing while General Warcrimes comes to the conclusion that war crimes may in fact be bad
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i just deeply feel they are. so. incredibly. done.
Zilla Fieri
"Hey, so I know I'm responsible for killing your people to near extinction, but I'm starting to realize war is bad, can you forgive me?"
(it's a helmet)
"i won't kill you that better be good enough"
★ тяу-нαя∂уи
vivi: [jim halpert stare into camera]
Zilla Fieri
That scene was also immediately after I learned that if you lose too quickly to Beatrix, you get a game over
Zilla Fieri
You know, in a fight you cannot win at all
(it's a helmet)
oh yeah the burmecia fight is one of those stupid-ass scripted "you have to lose on our terms' fucks
yeah, they don't want you to just throw the fights
the struggle is real /shot
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so is cleyra, yeah I forgot that
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beatrix never gets any meaningful comeuppance
Zilla Fieri
All her fights are bullshit and have that mechanic
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You never actually defeat Beatrix.
honestly if Amarant just. fucked off. we could get more of decent sttry
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Because you never fight her again.
he's so pointless
just "oh hey some people zidane pissed off can like him after all"
Zilla Fieri
And really. There is potential in Beatrix. Her storyline can work because Steiner is literally right next to her and makes it work
we know, story. we know
Zilla Fieri
But it's so bad
Beatrix probably should've had his spot
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honestly I kind of feel like beatrix as a party member could have led to a conclusion for Freya
Zilla Fieri
Apparently, the two were originally one character but they got split into two
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maybe not a well-written one but
Beatrix and Freya at least having a chance to interact could have been something
Zilla Fieri
Maybe have them talk any time that's literally not right after beating up Freya's friends and nuking her country
(it's a helmet)
no instead freya gets to spend the first half of disc 3 chumming with amarant in the "no relevance corner" when even QUINA gets a chance in the limelight
I would fucking die for Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, and Eiko, so the rest of the characters aren't huge to me, but I can't argue that they squandered Freya
Zilla Fieri
You cannot expect Freya to be willing to cooperate after that
unless she's with you for the one moment in the last dungeon, she gets nothing
(it's a helmet)
(it's a helmet)
even that one moment is pretty much a big nothing
Zilla Fieri
And let's not forget
well she has. y'know. lines
Zilla Fieri
How terrible
(it's a helmet)
so did you forget the attract mode
(it's a helmet)
to be forgotten is worse than death
(it's a helmet)
Zilla Fieri
A tragic, tragic irony
Freya, the dragoon
gets shafted
Zilla Fieri
I remember now that you mention it, but I at least remember joking about it the last first time I saw it
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...was Mog a dragoon?
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he and edgar are the only spear users
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so by process of elimination they're the "best" dragoons in that game
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...okay, slight change of statement: Ward FF8 also gets shafted
Zilla Fieri
...I know little of 6 but was Mog ever meant to be taken seriously?
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he was not, he's a filler mascot character
Zilla Fieri
(Also I'm pretty sure anyone not Laguna during his era gets shafted)
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He, Umaro, and Gogo have pretty much 0 plot relevance, except for the fact that all the moogles die
...does anyone in ff8 not get shafted
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comparatively, as in how the plot treats them with regards to other characters
also Gogo is still the weirdest FF character, mostly for the fact he appears partly based on a very weird russian politician
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(he is not adlai stevenson)
Zilla Fieri
There is at least one part of FF8 that does not get shafted
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(that was an ancient internet shitpost)
Zilla Fieri
and that is Triple Triad
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(it's a helmet)
pronouns, right, I feel like gogo is presented as nb so should be they
...gogo is still fucking weird
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(it's a helmet)
even in the best case, they're a throwaway reference to a hidden gimmick boss in ff5
"hi, you have to get swallowed by a giant worm to find me"
"this is definitely not a euphemism"
I know that somewhere in my plurk timeline I wrote a 1k+ essay on how Freya AND Beatrix deserved better, could have furthered the others arc, and tied up both their plotlines.
Which is to say I agree.
Atomos isn’t worth really putting anything in anyway. It does gravity damage so only up to 1/3rd or so of damage
Let’s imagine she has this look when she says that