
In A Nutshell
[Memes] Are my characters monsterfuckers?... look, if anything they're the monsters.
In A Nutshell
Solstice Music (NES) - Title Screen ThemeHappy Solstice!
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I'm so sick of work upending all my fun plans. couldn't even manage a @#$% test drive... th-there's always next month...
In A Nutshell
Yup, I think the snake has just kind of moved in.
In A Nutshell
[Viva La] Reserved!... and yet haven't had the chance to hop on TDM yet, unfortunately, mostly because work has just been awful.
In A Nutshell
Good morn--dangit, poor sleep got me. Good afternoon, Plurk. Today's agenda: Lunch, Viva La TDM, , and maybe some Columbo after by popular demand.
In A Nutshell
[Viva La] ugh if it weren't nearly 1AM after a crummy work week. Tomorrow morning.
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Good morning, Plurk. I had a serpentine visitor at my front door this morning.
In A Nutshell
[Monster Hunter] More good news today:Monster Hunter Wilds - 1st Trailer | PS5 Games
In A Nutshell
Evening, everyone. Today got a little away from me for a number of reasons, I started feeling depleted and it only got moreso from there.
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[Viva La] Skydoge is on the Character Plotting meme.
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Okay, since I'm about to put myself on a character plotting post, I should address a question I've had on my mind for a bit: Should I stop going by Prof? I mean, that's caused confusion in the past but maybe at this point I'm overthinking it.
In A Nutshell
Mornin' folks. Today:
In A Nutshell
[Viva La] ...I mean, I gotta, right?
In A Nutshell
[Meme] Who should I RP from your canons? Now, there's a question.
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[Meme] Do you now and/or have you ever shipped our characters?
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[Meme] AMA about my RP or fandoms. Interesting. Let's try it.
In A Nutshell
[MtG/Art/Shitposts?] So some friends and I play Magic at times- often Commander- over Cockatrice. And the fun thing about that is that you can put in your own custom card art. Which I, naturally, found irresistible.
In A Nutshell
Yes hello it's me, I am in fact still alive.
In A Nutshell
[Meme] State of the RP, normal or roman--
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[Helldivers 2] Surviving your first Difficulty 9 campaign. Ft. Zicak , with shout outs to the 404th
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Working while out on the porch. I'm three feet from a weeping cherry tree in the front garden and it's swarming with bees and wasps.
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[Meme] And here's my quiz. Let's see how well you all know me!
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Augh. Slept like garbage, struggled for a half hour to get into the virtual machine at work, and I still have a headache. Good morning, everyone.
In A Nutshell
And after spending much of the winter without snow, we finally get a few inches. Today. arglblarghlglh. Better late than never but sheeeesh anyway g'morning
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G'morning Plurk, it me. Another work day. Nothing new or interesting my GOD is it Saturday yet
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the perils of having an OC you love that happens to fit a really strange niche.
In A Nutshell
Yyyyyyyo plurk how's it going, yes I know it's been a while, I really should be more social shouldn't I.
In A Nutshell
Holy shit, we'll be having our three-year anniversary soon. The hell do I do for it?
In A Nutshell
[meme] Thirsty Thursday, I don't care if it's Friday, I forgot to post for Thursday and I could stand to grease the axle of creativity.