Fantastic Beasts this person doesn't understand what a disguise is https://images.plurk.com/7HTaP3WdFiqZaqAHw6Wzvv.png
just because I wear a Quark mask
doesn't mean that when I wear the mask I actually am quark
that's not how a disguise works
Pen Again
I thought Farrell and Depp were Grindelwald? Farrell was just the face Grindelwald wore while pretending to not be Grindelwald because he was a wanted man.
this is why this person appears to not understand what a disguise is
when Hermione turns herself into a cat lady she is not a cat
wait who doesn't understand what a disguise is
they're saying that Farell played a character who wasn't directly Grindelwald? which is correct iirc? I feel like I'm missing context
his character IS Grindewald
"Colin Farrell is an Irish actor who portrayed Gellert Grindelwald in the guise of Percival Graves in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them"
I assume Percival Graves is also a real person, but Real Percival Graves was not in the movie
I think the point that they're trying to make is that Farell's appearance officially belongs to Percival Graves? I think the real one was in the movie but not for long
They're not because that wasn't what they were responding to
okay. so.... yeah I'm missing context
what they were responding to was someone stating that Colin Farrel played Grindewald
and claiming that he did not
I guess I can see wanting to put an asterisk on it because he does play Grindelwald but also, he does not play The Grindelwald(TM)?
I'mma stop playing devil's advocate on this, I might have the wrong impression from this still
a quick glance at their other tweets, their account is mostly 'how dare you fire depp HE THE ABUSED ONE' and 'he CREATED HARRY POTTER AND GRINDEWALD' so idek with this person lol
yeah ok that. that sure is some context.
they...seem very angry about depp being fired
resisting li
I assume the real context was "let Colin Farrell be Grindelwald, we can all pretend Depp's version was a joke"
resisting li
"noooooo!!!!!!!!! shut up that would be awful and you just don't understand how MOVIES WORK"
resisting li
finish it with the clown emoji so favored by, like, the fucking alt-right lol
honestly I'd be so happy if they just went back to the concept of the Fantastic Beasts movies being about Newt being a zoologist
resisting li : Weirdy no? Bc he turned it down due to scheduling conflicts? They're actually crazy mad because Mads mikkelsen might play him lol
then they asked me if I was a femi-nazi after my final response was a Stan From The Office eyeroll gif, and I just...ok
resisting li
I'm just thinking Jenny Nicholson who years ago, when the first Fantastic Beasts movie came out, before Rowling went full TERF, was like "ooh, colin farrell. yeah, get it dumbledore," before his reveal, and then "oh. oh noooo. go back!" after Grindelwald turned into Depp
I look at Snow Miser Johnny Depp and I'm like
resisting li
like there was definitely a time when Depp was at least hor
resisting li
....wait, why were you so hot for grindlewald, sir
but that time passed at aroun
oh god I don't even know
resisting li
but the way he's made up for Grindelwald is like. the least sexy
the first time he forgot to wash his hair for a tim burton movie I guess
resisting li
resisting li
I want to say that if he weren't such a trash person he could probably still be made up in a way where I'd understand Dumbledore being into him
resisting li
but Jude Law >>>>>>>>> Johnny Depp, there's such a huge disparity there in attractiveness
There's also a lot of people going
resisting li
Jude Law could do so much better on literally every front
"JK Rowling let him design the character makeup and clothing"
and someone responded with
"Well maybe he should've done a better job"
resisting li
a.) I seriously doubt it
resisting li
b.) that would've been a big mistake
resisting li
like she has a LOT of creative control over these properties
now if you told me kevin smith in tusk let JD design his character/makeup
resisting li
the scripts have been all her, with not very good results so far
resisting li
the only way she would have let depp design it is if she super did not care what Grindelwald looked like to the point where she would've let anybody do it
resisting li
but also who honestly looks at Depp and says, "now there's a man who knows how to dress himself"
no one who has ever seen him in person
resisting li
(not that I think ANY celebrities really do, the coronavirus definitely showed off some incredibly schlumpy looking celebrities in that awful imagine video)
resisting li
(like, why would you learn that skill when you've had publicists and wardrobe people for as long as these folks have?)
y, we've def learned who has fashion skills and who doesnt
resisting li
lol oh dear
resisting li
now "jd" invented the character
I guess the j in jk rowling is johnny depp
resisting li
your reply to that should be "that's okay, he's welcome to it, I sincerely hope the next actor looks absolutely nothing like depp's grindelwald"
resisting li
loool I've long since stopped responding, but man that person who is has more fortitude than I.
"JK literally say to Johnny " I'm very excited to see what YOU is going to do with that " . She gave him the character. He created everything, the way he "
yes, I am sure jk rowling said
resisting li
like if johnny depp has this fucking mess copyrighted: https://imgs.plurk.com/Qyf/8x7/TnhTTU6vlWJ1lkJQ92TaqCVYhKp_lg.jpg
"I'm very excited to see what you is going to do with that"
resisting li
resisting li
i hope we never see it again
he really does look like the snow miser, that person was not wrong
resisting li
i hope the next grindelwald doesn't look like he got mugged by the world's laziest steampunk convention
my favorite thread that I wish I'd liked was someone posting photos of terrible depp costumes with the caption "Serious Actor Johnny Depp"
Mads Mikkelsen almost seems like the guy who SHOULD have originally been cast as grindewald?
resisting li
...mads mikkelsen strongly reminds me of another actor and I can't think who
he does look like someone, y, but...unsure who
resisting li
I mean this isn't necessarily a bad thing, just because Naomi Watts immediately struck me as Discount Nicole Kidman doens't mean Watts isn't a fine actor
lots of actors seem very similar
....he kind of reminds me of the guy who played gold on ouat
resisting li
they DO
like sometimes I'll see a current actor who reminds me of a 90s actor and I'm like "....DOES Hollywood have a cloning machine??"
resisting li
like nolan's favorite dude, Cillian Murphy. I KNOW reviews were calling him a Bargain Bin <Some Other Guy> and I don't remember who
resisting li
lol might've been a discount johnny depp
resisting li
in which case I vote Cillian Murphy for Grindelwald
resisting li
the only difference will be Murphy won't show up to work drunk
lool he def has the weirdly colored but piercing eyes
resisting li
is that the doppelganger people were talking about I googled "discount cillian murphy actor" but he's now been in so many movies that he's the Original Flavor
resisting li
I'm thinking like back when Batman Begins came out
I know there's some celeb scientist that everyone thinks looks like him hmmm
if they really need someone who looks similar to depp
resisting li
anyway for "depp is innocent" screechers it's worth knowing he totally lost his lawsuit trying to allege that Heard smeared him, which means he was completely unable to prove her allegations weren't true, which means y'all maybe need to shut up
he looks like depp used to, plus he just escaped riverdale
oh, they're explanation is tht the judge is hot for amber heard
resisting li
ah yes very original and not at all misogynistic or biphobic
they also pulled out the 'she abused her ex wife' thing, which...her ex has gone on record stating was untrue
resisting li
like he MAY have had evidence that she slapped him one time, is what I remember the supposed gotcha being, which is pretty pathetic when she had him on video hurling abuse while she screamed and cried, but you know
resisting li
obviously his evidence is real and hers is fake
yeah, plus she had...witnesses stating that the times she hit him was you know
resisting li
or in one point defense of her sister who DEPP TRIED TO SHOVE DOWN STAIRS
resisting li
and also like she is far from the only person he's been incredibly abusive towards
hell, he was sued by someone on set of some film
but y, they want amber heard fired from aquaman 2 bc 'she's an abuser'
resisting li
like, is it possible that their relationship had some mutually toxic elements? of course. long-term abusive relationships are rarely completely one-sided. but the myth of mutual abuse neglects to take self-defense into account.
I tried to read the court doc and it was horrific.

and yeeep, exactly
blake jenner tried to pull that BS on Melissa Benoist on instagram a few weeks ago, the
"yes, I abused her but she ALSO ABUSED ME and that's WORSE"
but someone noticed he was just...copy pasting what she'd said about him (without identifying him)
resisting li
("myth of mutual abuse" = I'm referring to the claim that like, ALL abuse is "mutual", which has an alarming tendency to cite this one particular study where, very literally, a slap that doesn't even leave a mark is equated with violence severe enough to require hospitalization.)
(plus, on her side is the fact she has actual medical documentation that he damaged her vision)
resisting li
(They're all counted as "incidents" in a "neutral" way, neglecting to take into account how severe the damage was, whether it was in self-defense, etc etc etc.)
resisting li
(I dug into this five or six years ago, back when I was regularly arguing with antifeminists on tumblr, and I don't recall it perfectly but I remember how terrible it was lol.)
resisting li
resisting li
yeah, I'm mostly just saying it for other people who might be reading our plurks and not like. know me the way you do
resisting li
who might think I'm dismissing the very concept of, say, female abusers, which I VERY MUCH AM NOT.
resisting li
and y, there def are female abusers. Amber Heard just...is not one.
As much as people might like her to be for....whatever reason
resisting li
as far as we know, and importantly as far as Depp has been able to prove lol
resisting li
like he was VERY HIGHLY MOTIVATED to prove she abused him and he basically came up with jack shit
and the stuff he 'kept' comming up with the judge was like
"...dude, I know you're making this up, please stop"
resisting li
sounds like he'd managed to piss off the judge lol. strongly reminded of the way judges have been responding to Trump's lawyers' bullshit
"stop talking about how she poo'd in your bed, we can all see it's from dog"
resisting li
also, that's not abusive
resisting li
even if she did that
resisting li
that is not abuse
resisting li
what a pathetic human being, thinking that counts
also, I think the judge kept pointing out
you have to prove you're NOT an abuser
bc the case wasn't who was
It was was the tabloid right when they called him a 'wife beater'
resisting li
lol good lord depp
resisting li
whataboutism at its finest
I think he's also suing her in the states
for...writing an essay about domestic abuse that does not even name hi
resisting li
juliette lives
I think they're saying "this is why we can't go back to Farrell, because he's not going to be in that disguise again" but uh, badly.
resisting li
Very badly, considering everything else they've said