I thought Farrell and Depp were Grindelwald? Farrell was just the face Grindelwald wore while pretending to not be Grindelwald because he was a wanted man.
I think the point that they're trying to make is that Farell's appearance officially belongs to Percival Graves? I think the real one was in the movie but not for long
a quick glance at their other tweets, their account is mostly 'how dare you fire depp HE THE ABUSED ONE' and 'he CREATED HARRY POTTER AND GRINDEWALD' so idek with this person lol
I'm just thinking Jenny Nicholson who years ago, when the first Fantastic Beasts movie came out, before Rowling went full TERF, was like "ooh, colin farrell. yeah, get it dumbledore," before his reveal, and then "oh. oh noooo. go back!" after Grindelwald turned into Depp
the only way she would have let depp design it is if she super did not care what Grindelwald looked like to the point where she would've let anybody do it
(not that I think ANY celebrities really do, the coronavirus definitely showed off some incredibly schlumpy looking celebrities in that awful imagine video)
"JK literally say to Johnny " I'm very excited to see what YOU is going to do with that " . She gave him the character. He created everything, the way he "
I mean this isn't necessarily a bad thing, just because Naomi Watts immediately struck me as Discount Nicole Kidman doens't mean Watts isn't a fine actor
is that the doppelganger people were talking about I googled "discount cillian murphy actor" but he's now been in so many movies that he's the Original Flavor
anyway for "depp is innocent" screechers it's worth knowing he totally lost his lawsuit trying to allege that Heard smeared him, which means he was completely unable to prove her allegations weren't true, which means y'all maybe need to shut up
like he MAY have had evidence that she slapped him one time, is what I remember the supposed gotcha being, which is pretty pathetic when she had him on video hurling abuse while she screamed and cried, but you know
like, is it possible that their relationship had some mutually toxic elements? of course. long-term abusive relationships are rarely completely one-sided. but the myth of mutual abuse neglects to take self-defense into account.
("myth of mutual abuse" = I'm referring to the claim that like, ALL abuse is "mutual", which has an alarming tendency to cite this one particular study where, very literally, a slap that doesn't even leave a mark is equated with violence severe enough to require hospitalization.)
(They're all counted as "incidents" in a "neutral" way, neglecting to take into account how severe the damage was, whether it was in self-defense, etc etc etc.)
(I dug into this five or six years ago, back when I was regularly arguing with antifeminists on tumblr, and I don't recall it perfectly but I remember how terrible it was lol.)
and yeeep, exactly
And y, it's awful :/