I don't think I ever showed my sign in our study lounge. When I went to do inventory in August, it was an absolute mess and we were missing so many books that never made it back from lockdown. My solution is to meme
Good news: not that much snow! Bad news: it's all ice instead. It's REALLY too bad I have interviews today and had to go in to work for them (internet at home is too unstable for doing interviews well) because it heckin' stunk to drive in this morning.
Got to teach my program director, 2 associate directors, admissions director, and business/technology operations manager about Mx., the gender neutral form is addresses today and they actually were glad to know about it.
Bad news: it's all ice instead.
It's REALLY too bad I have interviews today and had to go in to work for them (internet at home is too unstable for doing interviews well) because it heckin' stunk to drive in this morning.
Absolutely skewered by this personality test I had to take for work.