Come on PA, GA and NV. Let’s go blue!!
leilany | meme
Biden just needs NV right?
leilany | meme
anything else is bonus right?
Hector Neustart
c'mon nevada and Arizona, turn blue already!!
❉ Betty ❉
Yeah, I wish NV would go ahead and release something before tomorrow!
Hector Neustart
how long does it takes to the USA to count the votes?!? here in Spain the results are on the same day at night sometimes very late, but the same day
NV said they are going to release something today. That was maybe an hour ago. I am thinking it will all be over soon, except for the lawsuits
Hector Neustart
I think PA is going to be close...
Vic Lenoirre
I don't think he'll win GA. Maybe GA will split electoral votes? Fulton county might support Biden.
Hector Neustart : It varies by state.
Hector Neustart
Some states have laws that don't allow them to start counting them until election day. Some start counting weeks before.
Hector Neustart
weird, I'd start counting them the voting day, seemns the obvious thing to prevent fraud