🌈Chandni (They)
Some clam
I've never seen one identified by political party and I've lived in many states. I wouldn't call them out by their party anyway (good way to get jumped in the parking lot by the bad people. I would just politely demand the provisional ballot until I received it. It's the law and it's your right.
Poll workers cannot wear or show any political party affiliation or they will not be allowed to work the polls. Even voters cannot wear anything that specifically endorses one candidate or party. I mean, I wore pearls for RBG and other people were wearing sneakers and aviator style sunglasses (Bidden/Harris reminders) but they aren't official items.
Not that it will stop people from being stupid, but it's good to know you can request provisional ballots or ask for help.
Yeah, they're not permitted to wear anything that indicates political party or support for a candidate. The recommendation could say "Ask someone else and keep asking someone else," not "Ask a Democrat."
Some clam
- shone states allow voters to wear swag but never poll workers.
Some clam
Some not shone.
🌈Chandni (They)
that is good to know. I am not American so I am nog familiar with the rules. I just saw it on tumblr and thought it'simportant to knwo your rights
remember though that states are different, my state does not make you register with a party so no one knows if we are voting one way or another.