duck bastard
[covid/not me, exactly] oh right, while I was doing pollwork training, got some news
duck bastard
and it's that, in the next county over, covid cases have jumped
duck bastard
c o o l
duck bastard
they had to shut down the schools again, along with the main lobby of the bank (drive through only), along with no doubt other things
duck bastard
fun fact, tonight my grandmother also snapped at me about not having a job and how I should go do stuff at the solar plant again. you know. the place I have to go through the other county for.
duck bastard
: )))))
oh no ;;
Dragons Dragons
oh no... hug
oh noooo
duck bastard
I mean. I don't plan on doing it, obviously. Her view may be "if you die, you die" or whatever the fuck, but I'm not going to have her fuck up my health any further
duck bastard
I get stomach bugs easily enough, I don't need to tempt fate with this shit