Angry Popoto
...I love waking up to an overly-warm room and realizing that the hotel has apparently lost power.
Angry Popoto
They better get it back soon, because my van to the airport is in two and a half hours, and I really don’t wanna have to haul my bags down four flights of stairs. >.>
ugh! Og no!
Angry Popoto
Welp. Still no power. It’s a good thing that I know how to illuminate a room without any! /plonks her water bottle on top of the flashlight
o.o wow hotwl
Angry Popoto
Well, it’s in SC, so we’re kinda getting the edges/remnants of Delta messing with things. >.>
Angry Popoto
I was also lucky in that I have a little headlamp, so I was able to see my way down the stairs without issue. XD
glad you are safe!