Becca Stareyes
AU of my characters trying to do my job. (For reference, I'm an astronomy professor.)
Becca Stareyes
I only play S'reee and a few tabletop characters, so requests for previous characters will be granted.
Becca Stareyes
S'reee suffers from the problem that she can't fit into the classrooms without shapeshifting, and while she is smart and generally speaking wizards have a basic knowledge of science, she is also a whale and has never been to college, let alone taught it. So major culture shock even before covering the material.
Becca Stareyes
S'reee would try, but she'd probably be contacting every wizard she could find who had the background.
Becca Stareyes
Ilphyl (D&D character) would not try. Honestly, they'd probably hand the students the textbook and tell them 'final's in November, have fun' and expect that they could teach themselves. They don't have the background for this at all.
Becca Stareyes
Carrie (PF character) is a transplant from a modern Earth and teaches high school math. She could manage, and probably has better classroom management than I do. It would be hampered because at the moment she is a 3-foot-tall anthropomorphic pug rather than 'middle aged human math teacher'. At least she would avoid the coronavirus risk.
Becca Stareyes
Assuming my characters got my knowledge/skills, S'reee and Ilphyl would have trouble adapting to 'how do you teach 100 people at once!?', which... 'I'm trying, but I don't really know'.
Becca Stareyes
Both would be fine one-on-one, though Ilphyl is better with hands on stuff. They'd be doing all the demos, while S'reee works better in words (song). Her understanding of sound would be useful, if I were teaching that this term.
Becca Stareyes
(It doesn't help that neither are considered adults by their culture. And that Ilphyl in a world with an active LGBT+ rights movement would be aggressively and politically queer, which would probably lead to interesting teacher evaluations even if they stayed on topic in class the entire year.)
Lotions Keith
i'm afraid Lafiel would definitely do your job better than you lol
Becca Stareyes
I mean, she might know more than me, but I'm not sure how she'll be at the teaching. I suppose after she's got a bit of command experience, that might work.
this is a good meme
Becca Stareyes
It is.
Lotions Keith
oh true she'd be a terrible teacher
Lotions Keith
fired for being too abrasive/challenging a student to a duel
Becca Stareyes
She might not be bad with the upperclassmen, except for the fact she's going to look like a grad student even when she's 100.