serving count
Look I don't know shit about Alice but I shoulda guessed Fate/ when I saw the seal
serving count
Dr. Min▲zuki
honestly I thought it was probably a kingdom hearts thing
Dr. Min▲zuki
in retrospect I'm not sure why
serving count
serving count
and crowns
serving count
KH crossed my mind too
Red Reflector
yeah I just, Alice's command seal is really KH-ish because it takes a lot from well... Alice in Wonderland
serving count
Dr. Min▲zuki
I don't even actually know kh, is the funny thing
serving count
does anyone though
Dr. Min▲zuki
Lightning Bolt
I admit I saw "contract" and went "MADOKA???"
★ тяу-нαя∂уи
wow people play fextra alice
★ тяу-нαя∂уи
Red Reflector
it's... well her section in the anime definitely was madoka inspire to say the least. and yes...
Red Reflector
the bb has come to play with everyone