Mad Larkin
Mad Larkin
Marty, 3 6 7 9
Rawne: 14, 34
Thomas: 6, 11
Mad Larkin
3. He's never stalked anyone or been stalked though the did once show up at his ex-mistress's place and punch her boyfriend. Not his finest hour.
yeeeah I remember that. That was. Marty :|
Marty :|
Mad Larkin
6. When he was younger, impugning his masculinity or making fun of him (or do something he perceived as that) would do it. These days, he's a lot slower to anger, but hurting the people he loves would do it
Mad Larkin
7. Of all the mean tricks, he'd probably pretend to be a ghost or something. Psychological terror
Mad Larkin
9. None of his fears are really irrational. He doesn't like mazes, but that's pretty rational, given his experience in Carcosa
Mad Larkin
Mad Larkin
Mad Larkin
14. Out of several, there's the time he was nearly killed by a newly-built, Chaos infected robot. He's a soldier, though, so he's got a lot
Mad Larkin
34. If he heard an unexplained sound, he'd pull out his knife and go see what happened, as stealthily as possible
Mad Larkin
Mad Larkin
6. Insult his courage or go after his friends
Mad Larkin
11. He doesn't tell many lies, but he did pretend that his leg was fine when it was gangrenous for a while
Mad Larkin
Mad Larkin
Jaq yeah, that's my reaction to that scene
yeah Carcosa makes sense