法國小姐姐:I just tried to get something to eat at lawson .Some people shouted at me and said that I should get back to my country. (我只是想在lawson 買些東西裹腹,結果他們就對我大叫,叫我滾回我的國家) 我:They should hold their tongue.They’ve gone too far (他們應該管好自己的嘴,這太超過了)
法國小姊姊:I don’t know what to do since my Japanese isn’t good enough to fight back.And I just walked away .What will you do if you face this kind of situation?(我不知道該怎麼做,因為我的日文沒有好到足以反擊。所以我就走掉了。如果是你會怎麼做呢?)
我:Well....In my case,I will be quite surprised. (呃.....我的話,應該會滿訝異的啦) THEY THINK WE ARE A COUNTRY (他們覺得我們是個國家欸)
我:At least they think you’re someone from a foreign country (至少他們覺得你是來自某國的外國人) For most people,Taiwanese are just like players of animal crossing (對多數人來說,台灣人就跟動物森友會的島主沒兩樣)We come from deserted island (我們來自無人島)
法國小姊姊: Oh sweetie,I am sorry to hear that (噢親愛的,我對於這件事深表遺憾) 我:Never mind.At least we still have right to play the game fair and square......maybe not that fair ,but the game hasn’t been over 別放在心上,至少我們還有光明正大玩這個遊戲的權利....雖然沒那麼公平啦,但遊戲還沒結束呢!)
法國小姐姐:So the white star on Taiwan’s national flag stands for sun? (所以台灣國旗上的白色星星代表的是太陽嗎?) 我:Yep, and the white color represents democracy and equality (對啊,白色象徵民主和平等) 法國小姐姐:It’s pretty suitable for your country.(這很適合你的國家呢) 我:Merci bien (非常感謝 aka少數Gami 知道的法文) 法國小姐姐:And China uses stars due to communism.(然後中國因為共產主義,所以用的是星星)
我:Yep, but they should change the biggest star into the moon in order to fit socialism with Chinese characteristics better (對啊,不過他們應該要把最大顆星星換成月亮,才更符合中國特色的社會主義)
首先為各位獻上基礎幹譙篇: P:I have no idea about your Introduction (我看不懂你的自我介紹) M:It means NO Chinese and no Simplified Chinese (那表示拒絕中國人和簡體字)←因為我打中文,對方看不懂 P:but I know f**k cov-19 lol (但我知道f**k cov-19,真是全世界共通) M:Yes,it's really sucks when you close the source of infection counrty (是的,最爛的是當你還很靠近這個感染源國家)
P:It's a Island close China right?Is there serious epidemic? (是個靠近中國的小島對吧?疫情嚴重?) M:Our government control epidemic and now we don't have infected in this place (我們的政府控制了疫情,現在我們沒有本土的感染者) M:But still infected from another country (但還是有從別的國家來的感染者) P:Ya and it made me have no work during this time (對啊而且讓我這段時間沒工作) 中間互相自我介紹了一下行業,P是位隨扈(bodyguard)
網球順便曬選手篇 因為法網現正開打中加上轉移通訊軟體(該軟體真的要聊天很爛),沒什麼意外的先開始聊起網球。 P:Hi M what are you doing? (M,你現在在做什麼?) M:Watching tennis , French Open (看網球,法網公開賽) P:Loooooool wait (P應該是忘記法網因為疫情關係改了時間,現在才開始打) M:I'm watching Rafa's game, and now is Zerev's (我剛剛在看Rafa的比賽,現在是Zerev在打) (抱歉月亮さん在對話時不太管過去式什麼的,反正對方看的懂就好)
P:What's your favorite player? (你最愛哪一位選手?) M:Rafa,Stan(Stan Wawrinka)is out (拉法,史坦已經出局了) P:I'm a Djokovic fan (我是喬的粉絲) M:I was his fan before (我之前是他的粉絲) P:Why not anymore? (為什麼不再是了?) M:cov-19
P:Ahh yes he said something againstvaccine? (是因為他說了有關疫苗的事情?) M:He made player I like infection,Dimitrov (他害我喜歡的選手感染←自辦比賽未做防疫導致選手感染一事) P:Yes, but they are still alive (是的,但是他們還活著) M:But cov-19 will make our body weak (但病毒會讓我們的身體虛弱)←剛好在PTT看到確診患者的分享文很怒但是不知道該怎麼跟對方說明的簡略回答。 P:Ah yes , he is extremely popular in China (是的,他也在中國非常受到歡迎) M:Yap
最後是政治相關篇 P:But what i know about Taiwan, his real name is Republic of China (但我知道的台灣,它的正確名稱是ROC) M:Yap (因為很少遇到這麼有常識的外國人瞬間無話可說的月亮さん) P:Taiwanese governement cobsider himself as the true governement of China no? (台灣政府是不是有考慮和中國政府合併呢?)這邊應該是指統一的部分。 M:Actually we are true (此處泛指我們才是正統一事,但我個人覺得有點辭不達意。)
P:I like history and geopolitics. So i know some details hehehe (我很喜歡歷史與政治,所以我知道一些細節。) M:We made this country now 109 years and they only 70 years (我們創國109年但他們只有70年) P:Yes your flag is the chinese flag from the second world war (是的,你們的國旗是二戰時是代表中國的) P:And earlier (早期時) P:Yes 109 years approximately (是的,大約109年)
M:But now exe government KMT wanna “go back” China (但我們之前的政府KMT想要"回歸"中國)其實想表達的是國民黨執政政府,瞬間不知該怎麼說,只好以KMT表示。 M:Because they have business and close China (因為他們有生意上的往來並對中國靠攏) M:Now the government is DPP and they wanna Taiwan be a country and name in the world (但現在政府是DPP而且他們希望在世界上台灣是一個國家的名字) M:But China never agree (但中國是不會同意的) M:Like Hong Kong (像香港)
P:KMT is for unite white China? (KMT是像中國靠攏的嗎?)這句其實有點看不懂。 P:It's difficult (相當的困難) P:Just watch at Hong Kong and they will see it's very difficult (看看香港,你可以看到這是非常困難的) M:They fight for Roc before (他們之前曾對抗中國) M:But now is close China (但他們現在向中國靠攏)回應KMT的部分。 P:After 50 years, mentality is different
M:Yap,and they are same (是的,而且他們都一樣) M:They did same thing in Taiwan (他們在台灣做一樣的事)國民政府撤退來台 M:But we revolution (但我們革命) M:We call it quite revolution (我們稱之為寧靜革命)就是一個滿腔歷史卻無法完整說出的月亮さん M:No war and the president change KMT’s politician (在沒有爭鬥的情況下總統更換了KMT的政客)謝謝李前總統 M:Because they are corruption
P:Yes, i think there is the same people but the education is different (是的,我認為他們是同一批人,只是教育上不盡相同)是個明事理的外國人。 M:Yap,and now we like Taiwan more then ROC (是的,現在我們喜愛台灣更甚於中華民國) M:So I like to say I am Taiwanese (所以我喜歡自稱台灣人) P:Ah really? You didn't consider you as chinese ? (真的嗎?你不考慮成為中國人?) M:I was , when I was child (當我還小的時候,我是希望的)
P:Yes i understand.. (是的,我能了解...) M:Because our school always told us “be a great Chinese” (因為學校總是跟我們說,要當個"優秀的中國人") M:But you know what kind of Chinese in the world (但你知道現在世界上的中國人是什麼樣子)
法國小姐姐:Chinese government promised to give HK fifty years of freedom and broke their promise 27 years ealier. (中國政府承諾給香港五十年的自由,然後提早27年毀約了。)But they don’t have to apologize or take any responsibility? (但他們不用為此道歉或承擔任何責任?) 我:They called it socialism with Chinese characteristics. (他們把這叫做中國政府的社會主義)
法國小姐姐:I saw the news that a Taiwanese singer performed a song titled "My Motherland” at China’s National Day celebrations.(我看到一個台灣歌手在中國國慶活動上演唱我的祖國的新聞。)Did she want to end her career life in Taiwan?(她是打算終結她在台灣的演藝生涯嗎?) 我:The controversial news triggered debate.Some people claimed it’s just business (實際上這還蠻爭議性的,有的人聲稱這就只是門生意嘛)
法國小姊姊:Business? Do they really understand the essence of capitalism ?(生意?他們真的了解資本主義的本質嗎?) 我:Maybe they’re right to some extent (或許某個程度來說他們是對的) If you take the control of Taiwan as commodity that can trade,it’s a perfect deal under the view of capitalism with Chinese Characteristics works.(如果你把台灣的控制權當成可以交易的商品,從具有中國特色的資本主義觀點來看,這簡直是再划算不過的交易了。)
German: If my memory serves me right,Taiwan also held presidential election this year,right? (如果我沒記錯的話,台灣也舉辦了總統大選吧) Taiwan:Yep,the founder of Foxconn ran for presidentual election at first place. (黑啊,富士康的創辦人一開始也有參與總統角逐大戰) German: Interesting. How do people react to this ? (大家的反應是什麼?)
Taiwan:It actually depend on your age,political party and social status. Most of his suppoters believed he can bring more working opportunities to our countries.(這其實取決於你的年紀和社會階層,多數的支持者都是認為他可以為我們的國家帶來更多工作機會)
German: But I don't think he will improve your welfare if he became president..... Just see how he treats his staff for the past few years! (但我不認為他成為總統以後,會提升你們的福利。看看他這幾年怎麼對待員工就知道了)
Taiwan: I am not sure whether he could create more jobs or not, but I think there would be an unemployment wave among professors of labor law since labor right has already become part of legal history. (我是不知道他能不能創造更多工作,但在那之前,勞動法教授應該就會爆發一波失業潮啦,因為勞工權已經變成法律史的一部分了)
德國小哥第二彈: 我們正在聊這學期的選課,小哥修了國際行銷和管理實務,然後我們就歪樓講到政府w German: What's the biggest difference between Taiwanese and Chinese government?(台灣跟中國政府最大的差異是什麼?) Taiwan: We deal things with different way. (我們處理事情的方式不一樣)
Taiwan: In comparison with Taiwan, Chinese government put more emphasis on publicity.(和台灣相比,中國政府更在意公開度這件事情) If you want to know Taiwan government's policy , you have to refer to the official website of the authorities concerned(如果你想知道我們政府的政策,你必須要參考相關當局的官方網站)
As for China, they're really smart.(至於中國,他們真的很機智) They don't have to pay a cent for propaganda, but everyone will know.(他們一毛宣傳費都不用花,但大家就都會知道了) German: But I think they spend great amount for propaganda such as producing fake news or setting up fake press.(但我認為他們花蠻多錢製造假新聞或成立假媒體的欸)
Taiwan: What a waste!(真是有夠浪費錢) They don't have to do that(他們不用這樣搞) Just look at headlines of international press or the homepage of Amnesty International for a long time, and you can know what they have done to their citizens.(只要看一下國際媒體的頭條或國際特赦組織的主頁,你就只能知道他們對公民做了什麼)
If you are still wondering the case of negative marketing for the course, either Chinese government or WHO would be a good choice(如果你還在猶豫國際行銷課的負面案例要做什麼題目,中國政府或世界衛生組織都是個不錯的選擇喔)
剛剛回覆德國小哥的訊息,忽然發現還有一段話沒放上來, 祝大家用餐愉快 German:How about Taiwan? (那台灣呢?) Taiwan:In comparison with China,Taiwan usually keeps a low profile in international communities . (和中國相比,台灣在國際社會中通常是比較低調的。) But we have better sense of humor and legal awareness. (不過我們有著比較好的幽默感和法律素養)
German: Oh ,you have already proved this point.(喔,你已經證明了這點) Also,I heard that your government use memes to squash Covis-19 fake news and pay for the copyright. (我聽說你們的政府用迷因對抗關於肺炎的假新聞,而且還付了版權使用費) At the same time,Chinese government keep using same words to deny brutal things they have done (與此同時,中國政府一直用一模模一樣樣的台詞卻否認他們做的殘忍事情)
German:Their officials act if they were robot controlled by someone. (他們的政府官員表現得他們好像是被人操控的機器人) Taiwan:Well...maybe they actually are.(嘛......說不定他們真的是) What they lack may not be the sense of humor,but the sense of humanity. (他們缺乏的也許不是幽默感,而是人性。)
German: I can't believe they don't allow Taiwan to join WHO.(我不敢相信他們不讓台灣加入WHO) Taiwan: Actually ,we 're not allowed to join most of the international organizations .(實際上我們不被允許加入多數的國際組織) German: It is our loss(這是我們的損失) But how does your country get everything ready?(但你的國家是怎麼做好準備的) Taiwan: It's a long story, my friend. (這是一個很長的故事,我的朋友)
Taiwan: Since Chinese government always claims that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the inviolable territory of China, no country dare to help us during SARS outbreak in 2003 (由於中國政府不斷宣傳台灣是中國神聖領土不可分割的一部分,所以2003 SARS爆發的時候,沒甚麼人來幫我們)
If I were Chinese government official, it's a perfect chance to win people's hearts by providing medical support.(如果我是個中國政府官員,我會覺得這是個藉由提供醫藥援助來收買人心的好機會。) However, their reaction to the so called inalienable part was only two words "who cares".(然而,他們對所謂"不容分割"的一部分就幾個字"誰理你們")
We learnt a lesson .We assumed the same thing would happen this time, but it actually went quite different.(我們就學到了寶貴的一課,這次我們也假設同樣的事情會重蹈覆轍,但事情走向實際上滿不一樣的) First, the Director-General of the World Health Organization kept mentioning Taiwan during the press for three minutes, so more people know us right now.(首先,世衛的秘書長在記者會上瘋狂cue台灣cue了三分鐘,所以就更多人知道我們了)
Second,we did pretty good so far.(再者,我們目前為止都做得還不錯) We didn't receive any "who cares" this time since China is busy caring for themselves.(這次我們沒有收到任何"誰理你們",因為中國正忙著理自己) What's better is that we have the ability to care for other countries .(更棒的是,我們這次有能力幫助其他國家)
German:I've heard of your slogan......Taiwan can help,right?(我聽過你們的口號 ......台灣能幫忙,對吧?) Taiwan: Yes, because we care.(對,因為我們在乎) We care for those who are suffering not only because we're part of the world, but because we were once part of them. (我們在乎仍在受苦的人們,不只是因為我們是世界的一份子,也因為我們曾經是他們的一份子)
German:Besides the virus issue,they try to purify their nation by setting up re-education camp. (除了病毒議題以外,他們最近也試著透過再教育營"淨化"他們的國家) Taiwan:Again?They always mistake the target (又來?他們總是搞錯目標了) If there's anything that need to be purified in China,the answer could be nothing but the air (如果中國境內有任何需要淨化的東西,答案就只有可能是空氣啊。)
法國小姐姐:I just tried to get something to eat at lawson .Some people shouted at me and said that I should get back to my country.
(我只是想在lawson 買些東西裹腹,結果他們就對我大叫,叫我滾回我的國家)
我:They should hold their tongue.They’ve gone too far (他們應該管好自己的嘴,這太超過了)
法槌麥克風 TalkforTaiwan
我:Well....In my case,I will be quite surprised.
For most people,Taiwanese are just like players of animal crossing (對多數人來說,台灣人就跟動物森友會的島主沒兩樣)We come from deserted island (我們來自無人島)
我:Never mind.At least we still have right to play the game fair and square......maybe not that fair ,but the game hasn’t been over 別放在心上,至少我們還有光明正大玩這個遊戲的權利....雖然沒那麼公平啦,但遊戲還沒結束呢!)
一方面能指台灣因為鄰居各種打壓,雖然被國際社會邊緣,但還是努力夾縫中求生存 ,亦能影射中國政府禁止動物森友會的舉措。
我:Yep, and the white color represents democracy and equality
法國小姐姐:It’s pretty suitable for your country.(這很適合你的國家呢)
我:Merci bien (非常感謝
aka少數Gami 知道的法文)法國小姐姐:And China uses stars due to communism.(然後中國因為共產主義,所以用的是星星)
我: Just like the shape of the moon, their policy looks totally different every once in a while (就像月亮的形狀,他們的政策每隔一段時間就長得完全不一樣)
紀念搶到紫羅蘭永恆O園掛軸組的愉悅更新我可以傳掛軸照片讓你過過乾癮taco742: 每天微調,久了就完全走鐘
P:I have no idea about your Introduction
M:It means NO Chinese and no Simplified Chinese
P:but I know f**k cov-19 lol
(但我知道f**k cov-19,真是全世界共通)
M:Yes,it's really sucks when you close the source of infection counrty
M:Our government control epidemic and now we don't have infected in this place
M:But still infected from another country
P:Ya and it made me have no work during this time
P:Hi M what are you doing?
M:Watching tennis , French Open
P:Loooooool wait
M:I'm watching Rafa's game, and now is Zerev's
M:Rafa,Stan(Stan Wawrinka)is out
P:I'm a Djokovic fan
M:I was his fan before
P:Why not anymore?
M:He made player I like infection,Dimitrov
P:Yes, but they are still alive
M:But cov-19 will make our body weak
P:Ah yes , he is extremely popular in China
P:But what i know about Taiwan, his real name is Republic of China
P:Taiwanese governement cobsider himself as the true governement of China no?
M:Actually we are true
M:We made this country now 109 years and they only 70 years
P:Yes your flag is the chinese flag from the second world war
P:And earlier
P:Yes 109 years approximately
M:Because they have business and close China
M:Now the government is DPP and they wanna Taiwan be a country and name in the world
M:But China never agree
M:Like Hong Kong
P:It's difficult
P:Just watch at Hong Kong and they will see it's very difficult
M:They fight for Roc before
M:But now is close China
P:After 50 years, mentality is different (50年之後,心態已經有所不同了)
M:They did same thing in Taiwan
M:But we revolution
M:We call it quite revolution
M:No war and the president change KMT’s politician
M:Because they are corruption (因為他們貪污)←好我知道很籠統但是儘量表達了(因為當時想到某富比士榜上有名的公務員)
M:Yap,and now we like Taiwan more then ROC
M:So I like to say I am Taiwanese
P:Ah really? You didn't consider you as chinese ?
M:I was , when I was child
M:Because our school always told us “be a great Chinese”
M:But you know what kind of Chinese in the world
我:They called it socialism with Chinese characteristics.
我:The controversial news triggered debate.Some people claimed it’s just business
我:Maybe they’re right to some extent (或許某個程度來說他們是對的)
If you take the control of Taiwan as commodity that can trade,it’s a perfect deal under the view of capitalism with Chinese Characteristics works.(如果你把台灣的控制權當成可以交易的商品,從具有中國特色的資本主義觀點來看,這簡直是再划算不過的交易了。)
German: If my memory serves me right,Taiwan also held presidential election this year,right?
Taiwan:Yep,the founder of Foxconn ran for presidentual election at first place.
German: Interesting. How do people react to this ?
Most of his suppoters believed he can bring more working opportunities to our countries.(這其實取決於你的年紀和社會階層,多數的支持者都是認為他可以為我們的國家帶來更多工作機會)
Just see how he treats his staff for the past few years!
這是要逼我開Podcast 的節奏嗎我們正在聊這學期的選課,小哥修了國際行銷和管理實務,然後我們就歪樓講到政府w
German: What's the biggest difference between Taiwanese and Chinese government?(台灣跟中國政府最大的差異是什麼?)
Taiwan: We deal things with different way.
If you want to know Taiwan government's policy , you have to refer to the official website of the authorities concerned(如果你想知道我們政府的政策,你必須要參考相關當局的官方網站)
They don't have to pay a cent for propaganda, but everyone will know.(他們一毛宣傳費都不用花,但大家就都會知道了)
German: But I think they spend great amount for propaganda such as producing fake news or setting up fake press.(但我認為他們花蠻多錢製造假新聞或成立假媒體的欸)
They don't have to do that(他們不用這樣搞)
Just look at headlines of international press or the homepage of Amnesty International for a long time, and you can know what they have done to their citizens.(只要看一下國際媒體的頭條或國際特赦組織的主頁,你就只能知道他們對公民做了什麼)
German:How about Taiwan?
Taiwan:In comparison with China,Taiwan usually keeps a low profile in international communities .
But we have better sense of humor and legal awareness.
Also,I heard that your government use memes to squash Covis-19 fake news and pay for the copyright.
At the same time,Chinese government keep using same words to deny brutal things they have done (與此同時,中國政府一直用一模模一樣樣的台詞卻否認他們做的殘忍事情)
Taiwan:Well...maybe they actually are.(嘛......說不定他們真的是)
What they lack may not be the sense of humor,but the sense of humanity.
Taiwan: Actually ,we 're not allowed to join most of the international organizations .(實際上我們不被允許加入多數的國際組織)
German: It is our loss(這是我們的損失)
But how does your country get everything ready?(但你的國家是怎麼做好準備的)
Taiwan: It's a long story, my friend.
(由於中國政府不斷宣傳台灣是中國神聖領土不可分割的一部分,所以2003 SARS爆發的時候,沒甚麼人來幫我們)
However, their reaction to the so called inalienable part was only two words "who cares".(然而,他們對所謂"不容分割"的一部分就幾個字"誰理你們")
We didn't receive any "who cares" this time since China is busy caring for themselves.(這次我們沒有收到任何"誰理你們",因為中國正忙著理自己)
What's better is that we have the ability to care for other countries .(更棒的是,我們這次有能力幫助其他國家)
Taiwan: Yes, because we care.(對,因為我們在乎)
We care for those who are suffering not only because we're part of the world, but because we were once part of them.
Taiwan:Again?They always mistake the target (又來?他們總是搞錯目標了)
If there's anything that need to be purified in China,the answer could be nothing but the air (如果中國境內有任何需要淨化的東西,答案就只有可能是空氣啊。)
不過關於段子手跟政治家的關係,確實有個名詞叫做「麵包與馬戲(拉丁語:panem et circenses)」現象,若用在政治的場合,通常用來形容民眾對政府認可的產生不是通過政府示範或實施優質的公共政策來實現的,而是通過轉移、分散民眾的注意力,或僅僅滿足民眾一時的表層需求來實現的。白話文就是:一幫優秀的段子手或戲精可以讓民眾短暫產生政府好棒棒的錯覺。
Gami覺得自己是個挺不錯的段子手,但就只是個不錯的段子手,也不會因為講了幾個政治的段子就變成很有政治素養的人。至於政治呢,就留給教授跟寫Repo 的旅人吧。畢竟政治是一種專業,而非業餘喜劇演員的舞台啊(笑)