Excuse me, this is actually so good. What the hell, the knight look is authentic, well-reseached. The entire costume he wears is actually not a costume, but his actual knight getup. The sword, axe, and dagger are also legit. The makeup is spot on. The directing is good. The effects and music is great too. Beautiful.
And he did not play Arthur, but Percival, an Arthuriam knight. I have so much respect for him because he is very serious about his knight status. He has his own banner too as a knight although he doesn't come from that kind of family. He also competes in medieval knight duels, I think?
His knight "costume" is fully functional. The helmet, really, gives me satisfaction because it bothers so much whenever a character that is supposely wearing a helmet or a mask has to quickly remove it for the sake of showing their face in films
: Oh, banget. Dia bikin ini YouTube isinya hasil riset tentang zaman pertengahan dan hobinya yang berkaitan sama ksatria zaman itu. Bisa bikin armor lengkap yang sesuai dengan referensi, riset gimana ksatria tarung di zaman itu pake kuda dan semacamnya. Beneran wibu sejarah sukses dia.
Dia sampe punya lahan khusus buat ngasih makan kuda-kudanya, beneran bikin nuansa medieval banget. Juga bisa beli mule yang umum dipakai orang medieval age di sekitaran UK, tapi tidak umum lagi sekarang.
Well, he and his team deserves at least my compliment since I am dirt poor
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