[SAO] People rag on this so much. But I really kinda like it! Okay, so the fairies we don't talk about... But I found it highly entertaining otherwise!
Sorta want to play normal Kirito as well as abridged lol /may be catching up on the anime AND watching the abridged series before the next episode of that drops tomorrow!
First season was pretty good. Some parts of Alicization are pretty good. I just personally got frustrated with the female characterization and how everything always centers around Kirito, as well as how character/relationship development got skipped in places. The repeated violence against women also bugged me, but that's a personal area.
Yeah, the violence against women was not good, that part of things generally made me uncomfortable. Especially since they'd built up Asuna as this badass who took no crap, and then suddenly she's this damsel in distress who doesn't fight back.
I actually didn't mind the second season, but I sense that I'm alone in that. XD; I didn't mind the fairies or the section with Shion (though I kind of wish Kirito had ended up with a female avatar). But I suspect I'm alone in that. I just would have loved to see a continuation of the SAO world. I wish they'd spent more time with that.
Oh I liked the second season, fighting guns with a light saber? Little badass lol. The fairies had some good parts. I do love the anime in general. It's entertaining so long as you overlook certain things
But yeah, I agree there. They could have stretched Aincrad out a lot longer than they did and shown more of that world with its real world consequences
Yeeeah. There were a number of things there that were off. And weird. And uncomfortable/disturbing. The concept of the world itself, though, could have been interesting.
That I can entirely believe. And he did a good job of that was his aim. Just didn't like it. The rest? Liked! Creepy guy? Would have written him to die messy
I'm kind of tentative about watching the second part of Alicization because I'm nervous that there's going to be a repeat of the other seasons and someone is going to do something to Alice. >.<
Actually, I think it got a lot better. ^^ So far I'm enjoying it, though only on episode 4. Turned out I missed the last two episodes of the last season so had to get those in first.
So far not so much. A thing made her cry, but up until now it's focusing on the battle of the humans and demon side and... stuff I won't say because spoilers!
Alice gets away. She's saved by someone. ^^ And I only ask because it seems that this season is pulling people from all across the other seasons and worlds to fight, including from the movie!
I was a little. But hasn't stopped it from being pretty damn good so far. I'm on episode 8 now... but need sleep. So I know up till that number it's not so bad. ^^
I . . . think so? I can't remember on that one.