de-noobing an olbie, the person i signed up for SL with actually finally decided to log in again. menfolks of SL: where does one find things for a dude who wants to be of a pale and deathrock/punk sort?
Gabriel might have some things
i like stray dog skins and gabriel clothes for any easy denoobing
he's REALLY picky (especially for a dude!), so denoobing has an extra layer of complexity, but i'm definitely taking him everywhere anyone mentions!
Dakota 🐦‍⬛🪵
if you wanna be white pale like I am human glitch makes a male skin
Ceejay Writer
There used to be a good place with Poet in the name. I'm sorry I don't remember more!
Ceejay Writer : whether it was what you were thinking of or not, i'll be finding out if mr.poet is still around!
Ceejay Writer
That's it! Mr. Poet. I haven't been there in years.
(Whoa) also YAY!
just corvi
this website should help
hyasynth : right???? it's only been ACTUAL FOREVER
p.s. i don't know how anyone starts SL now. the mesh body+head+skin that works with it+clothing that works with it thing has been super frustrating for him. i mean, yeah, there are the easier ways (still if you have someone to help you find it all) to get a half decent look, but it's WAY too complicated for someone starting from zero
just corvi : thank you for the link! i sent him galleries for a couple of the mens events going on, but this definitely has more for us to check out!
just corvi
I love that site. I have given it to all my male friends. lol
Allegory : literally, I may log in to ACTUALLY MEET HIM. :-P
hyasynth : yes!