Lesbian Manowar
If Yoshi-P and the DMC guy ar einvolved in FF16 then congrats on selling Cassie and I a PS5 this far in advance
Lesbian Manowar
i didn't see the trailer, i just heard who's potentially working on it and was like 90% there
Lesbian Manowar
i trust yoshi-p because he has put me through hell and back more and more each time but it still ends on a note of hope
Lesbian Manowar
then i saw it and im like 10 years old again going IT SHIVA
Lesbian Manowar
and cassie yelling IT HAS DRAGOONS
Lesbian Manowar
we already planned on buying one if only so it can play ff14 since we know the ps3 was eventually dropped in support for the ps4 version
Lesbian Manowar
and itll likely be the same for the ps5
Lesbian Manowar
cassie tho who will defend 15 was like "okay see this actually looks playable"
Lesbian Manowar
so she knows
this is the reason I want a ps5
i'm interested enough to hear them out, but woof, i am not sold on that protag
almost. anti-sold. not enough to get me to turn away, but i want them to sweeten the pot some more for me